PoE Divined Destiny 3.24

19. Divined Destiny(4) Necropolis 3.24

Complete each of the following Divination Card tasks.

Here's a breakdown on how to complete each of the Path of Exile (POE) Divination Card tasks you mentioned:

Task 1: Open Stacked Decks (0/30)

  • Function: Stacked Decks are a type of currency that, when used, gives you a random divination card.
  • Acquisition: You can find Stacked Decks dropped by monsters, purchase them from other players, or craft them using recipes from the Currency Vendor (The Forbidden Trove in Act 6).
  • Completion: Right-click on a Stacked Deck in your inventory 30 times to consume them and get 30 random divination cards.


  • Stacked Decks are a gamble, so results may vary. Some cards are much rarer than others.
  • Consider the market value of divination cards before investing heavily in Stacked Decks.
  • You can find resources online like poe.trade or the official trade website to check current card prices.

Task 2: Complete a Tier 16 or higher Map with a Divination Scarab applied

  • Divination Scarabs: These scarabs are consumable currency items that modify map rewards when used on a map. Specific scarabs increase the chance of encountering specific types of rewards, including divination cards.
  • Tier 16+ Map: Higher tier maps offer a greater chance of encountering higher-quality rewards.
  • Completion:
    1. Obtain a Divination Scarab. Popular choices include "Gilded Scarab" (increases quantity and quality of divination cards) or "Perandus Scarab" (increases chance for chests to contain divination cards).
    2. Acquire a Tier 16 or higher map (you can find these by playing the game or buying them from other players).
    3. Use the scarab on the map in your map device.
    4. Run the map and complete it.

Task 3: Turn in a set of Divination Cards that award an Exalted or Divine orb

  • Exalted Orb & Divine Orb: These are valuable currency items used for high-level crafting.
  • Divination Cards: Some divination card sets reward Exalted or Divine orbs upon completion.
  • Completion:
    1. Identify divination cards you have in your stash that reward Exalted or Divine orbs. You can check the card description or use online resources like poe.trade or the official trade website.
    2. Collect enough cards to complete a set (the number of cards required varies).
    3. Right-click on a complete set of cards in your inventory to turn them in and receive the reward.

Task 4: Turn in a set of Divination Cards that have a stack size of at least 10

  • Stack Size: Some divination cards can be stacked in your inventory, meaning you can hold multiple copies of the same card in one slot.
  • Completion:
    1. Find divination cards in your stash that have a stack size of 10 or more.
    2. Right-click on a complete set of cards (10 or more) in your inventory to turn them in and receive the reward.

Additional Tips:

  • You can use online resources like the official Path of Exile website, poe.trade, or the Path of Exile subreddit to find information on specific divination cards and their rewards.
  • Consider joining a guild in-game for help and advice from other players.

By following these steps and utilizing available resources, you should be well on your way to completing these Divination Card tasks in Path of Exile!

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Divined Destiny(4) Affliction 3.23

Turn in any four Divination Card sets which specifically grant one of the following reward types.

Divined Destiny(6)

Turn in Divination Cards which specifically grant each of the following reward types.

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