PoE Awakened Gems Max Level

1. Max level of PoE Awakened Gems

The max level of PoE Awakened Gems is 6. The following example is an Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles Support Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles Support and the max level is 6.

PoE Awakened Gems Max Level

Note that it is a corrupted gem. Corruption works the same as for regular support gems, sometimes adding or removing a level or up to 10 quality. Quality is hardcapped at 23%.

2. Corrupt a PoE Awakened Gem

Using Vaal Orb Vaal Orb to corrupt a PoE Awakened Gem, it has one of the following effect:

  • No effect (other than adding the corrupted property).
  • Add or subtract one level. Max level gems can exceed their normal maximum this way. A corrupted gem at the normal maximum will not continue to gain experience.
  • Add or subtract 1-20 quality. Gems can have up to 23% quality this way.

Note that it has risks to make a gem becoming worse.

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