NBA 2K24 Authentic Card Grading Service

Graded Cards

Cards can be graded to earn you Bonus MT when added to your lineup. Head over to the MyTEAM Authentic Card Grading Service menu and send your cards out to be graded. Graded cards will add a bonus to the MTP you earn in game when they are in your lineup. The higher the grade the bigger the bonus you will earn.

  • Available Through: MT Authentic Card Grading Service

NBA 2K24 Authentic Card Grading

What if you wanted to get more out of the player cards in your lineup? To add another new layer to every Player Card in MyTEAM, you can now send these cards to be professionally graded! After some time passes to carefully grade each card, our experts will send back your Player Cards, freshly sealed, and minted with a grade.

The highest grade you can receive is a flawless 10, but every graded card returns to your lineup with Bonus MTP in every game played. So, when playing your daily Pick-Up Challenge, are you maximizing your MTP earned with graded cards? Similar to Holo Player Cards, only auction-able Player Cards are able to be graded, so be on the lookout for highly-graded auction listings from the community!

NBA 2K24 Authentic Card Grading Service

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