Palworld Frostallion

Frostallion: A Majestic Ice Mount in Palworld

The Frostallion is a majestic Legendary Pal in Palworld, known for its impressive size, icy blue coat, and powerful ice attacks. It’s a challenging opponent to capture, but well worth the effort for its speed, strength, and unique riding experience.


These magnificent creatures reside in the icy biomes of the north/northwest region of the Palworld map. Be prepared for the frigid temperatures when venturing out to find them!


Frostallions are Legendary-tier Pals, making them quite rare encounters. Prepare for a tough battle or have exceptional capture skills to bring one home.


  • Ice-based attacks: Frostallion wields potent ice magic, making it ideal for freezing foes and exploiting water weaknesses.
  • High Speed: Its impressive base speed of 2500 makes it a swift mount, perfect for traversing vast landscapes.
  • Riding: Once you equip a Frostallion saddle, you can mount it and ride across the snowy plains or even soar through the air for short distances.

Capture and Breeding:

  • Capture: Due to its rarity and strength, capturing a Frostallion requires careful preparation and potentially multiple attempts. Consider using high-tier Capture Balls and strategizing your battle effectively.
  • Breeding: If capturing proves too challenging, Frostallions can also be bred by combining a regular Frost Stallion with a Hell Zephyr.

Regional Variant:

  • Australobe: In warmer regions, you might encounter the Australobe, a close relative of the Frostallion with fire-based attacks and a fiery red coat. It boasts the same speed and overall stats as its frosty counterpart.


  • Taming: Be prepared for a lengthy taming process due to its high level and wild nature.
  • Resources: Stock up on food and warm clothing before venturing into its habitat.
  • Rewards: The effort is worth it as a Frostallion offers not only a powerful mount but also a loyal companion in your Palworld adventures.

Additional Tips:

  • Explore online communities and forums for specific strategies and tips on capturing or breeding Frostallions.
  • Consider joining forces with other players to increase your chances of success.
  • Remember, patience and persistence are key in acquiring this magnificent Pal!

I hope this comprehensive overview of the Frostallion aids you in your quest to add this icy powerhouse to your Palworld team!

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