Musty Grave - Path of Exile

The depth of Musty Grave is 5. This area contains Maps, Currency, Armour, Items, Weapons, Jewellery, Gems. Musty Grave location: Fungal Caverns.

Musty Grave Depth & Location

Min Depth Effect Depth Biomes Icon Feature Spawn Weight
35 35 Fungal Caverns Musty Grave Tier3
Contains Maps
Min Depth: 35
5 20 Fungal Caverns Musty Grave Tier2
Contains Currency
5 20 Fungal Caverns Musty Grave Tier0
Contains Items
5 20 Fungal Caverns Musty Grave Tier0
Contains Armour
5 20 Fungal Caverns Musty Grave Tier0
Contains Weapons
5 20 Fungal Caverns Musty Grave Tier1
Contains Jewellery
5 20 Fungal Caverns Musty Grave Tier2
Contains Gems

In the following example, the Musty Grave depth is 135 and the monster level is 76(normally, the depth of Musty Grave is 5 or beyond).

Musty Grave

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