Geofri's Devotion Brass Maul - Path of Exile

Geofri's Devotion Brass Maul

Geofri's Devotion

Geofri's Devotion is a unique Brass Maul. Two Hand Maces. Physical Damage: 40-60. Critical Strike Chance: 5%. Attacks per Second: 1.2. Weapon Range: 13.

Requires Level 61, 92 Str.

  • 30% increased Stun Duration on Enemies

  • Trigger Level 20 Elemental Warding on Melee Hit while Cursed
  • 200% increased Physical Damage
  • Adds (42–47) to (66–71) Physical Damage
  • Adds 11 to 23 Cold Damage
  • (10–20)% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
  • Never deal Critical Strikes

Flavour Text: 'Confess your sins to me. My god will not be nearly so forgiving.' - Archbishop Geofri of Phrecia Cathedral

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Elemental Warding

Name Elemental Warding
Skill Id OnHitWhileCursedTriggeredCurseNova
Cast Time 1.00 sec
Level Req. 70
Critical Strike Chance 7%
Attack Speed 100% of base
Attack Damage 100% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage 100%
Stored Uses 1
Cooldown 1.00 sec
Fires projectiles in all directions, converting all their physical damage to a random element, and grants a buff which makes you unaffected by curses for a duration. Removes curses on you when used.
Deals 1999 to 2998 Physical Damage
Fires 16 additional Projectiles
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire, Cold or Lightning Damage
Trigger this Spell on Melee Hit while Cursed
Base duration is 3 seconds
Fires Projectiles in a circle
You cannot Cast this Spell directly

Item acquisition

Geofri's Devotion is drop disabled