Infused Beachhead Harbinger Map - Path of Exile

Infused Beachhead Harbinger Map

Infused Beachhead

Infused Beachhead is a unique Harbinger Map. Maps.

  • 100% more Monster Life
  • 100% increased Monster Damage
  • Unique Boss drops an additional Harbinger Scroll
  • Area contains 20 additional Harbingers

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It is the maximum tier of Beachhead.

Infused Beachhead is not part of the Atlas of Worlds. There is no bonus objective for this map.


The layout is identical to other Beachhead maps. However, the monsters are way more deadly in this version, due to 100% more Monster Life and 100% increased Monster Damage mods, and it being one tier higher than the T15 Beachhead.

Players can clear the map by running in a clockwise or anticlockwise direction and then backtrack to the boss room. The entrance is apparently always in a three o'clock direction, at the right side of the map.



The "boss" of this map is a portal that spawns Harbinger and King Harbinger. Harbinger spawns monsters. Killing the spawned monsters damages Harbinger as well as the portal. Completing the map drops a Harbinger Scroll.

Items found in this area

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

Item Drop
Deregulation Scroll 1
Electroshock Scroll 1
Fragmentation Scroll 1
Haemocombustion Scroll 1
Monochrome 80
Specularity Scroll 1
Time-light Scroll 1

Item acquisition

Infused Beachhead has restrictions on where or how it can drop. It cannot be chanced. Drops from destroyed Harbinger Portals in a Tier 15 The Beachhead.