FFXIV 星芒祭と子どものための幻影


FFXIV 星芒祭と子どものための幻影

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✓ /soothe Laurenssen.
✓ Gather information on Blitzen.
✓ Search for Blitzen in New Gridania.
✓ Speak with the tearful tot.
✓ Speak with Amh Garanjy.


Associate professor Laurenssen is experiencing some panic.
※This quest is available for a limited time only.

In light of his reindeer’s recent disappearance, Laurenssen’s calm is disintegrating faster than a snowman in midsummer. Being the kindhearted soul you are, you prepare to /soothe him like none but a slightly harrassed adventurer can.

※Please note that you will be unable to complete this quest after the seasonal event has ended. For details, please check the Lodestone.

Laurenssen regains his composure thanks to your diligent patting and is ready to find Blitzen. He sends you off towards Mih Khetto’s Amphitheatre to gather witness testimonies, while he retraces his steps back to Apkallu Falls.

Witness testimony has clued you into Blitzen’s whereabouts. You jingle merrily as you run for some reason, but such things are hardly unusual during the Starlight season. Pay it no mind and head for New Gridania.

You and Laurenssen are safely reunited with Blitzen, and then with the Saint of Nymeia, who has one of those faces you swear you’ve seen somewhere before. With the help of a little coaxing─and a subsequent lecture─Laurenssen realizes the error of his ways in forgetting the true meaning of the Starlight Celebration. He resolves to think less selfishly and more of the children, and as though fate intends to hold him to it, a despondent and childlike wail breaks out from the other side of the aetheryte plaza.

Upon investigating the source of the noise, Laurenssen is faced with a weepy, sticky, lost child in search of her mother. After a crucial assist from Blitzen, who effortlessly quells the child’s hysterics with a spectacular display of the Ghost of Starlight Present, Laurenssen uses his own special powers of shouting very loudly to summon the missing mother without fuss. Family reuinited and balance restored, the three of you tromp back to Amh Garanjy.

Amh Garanjy thanks you for your help─Laurenssen thanks you for your patience─and Blitzen honks loudly. It is clear now that the Ghost of Starlight Present is only triggered by genuine feelings of fondness and concern for children, and cannot be recreated under contrived pretenses. Embracing this reality with goodness in his heart, Laurenssen asks you to accompany him on a turn around Gridania, to deliver cheer and spectacle to as many children as you can find.


Blitzen has gone missing? Oh deer─er, I am sure he cannot have ventured far!
B-B-Blitzen!? B-Blitzen, can you h-hear me!? W-Where have you g-g-gone!?
Laurenssen is in a state of distress. Try to /soothe his nerves.
D-Don’t c-c-cry, my boy, I am on m-my way to f-f-find you!
Laurenssen is in a state of distress. He needs less talk and more /soothe.
O-Oh! Th-Thank you…
I-I am sorry to have subjected you to such undignified flailing. Unforseen circumstances have a tendency of rattling my nerves…but I am recovered now.
Somewhere in this city, Blitzen wanders friendless and alone. I shall not abandon him to such a cruel fate. May I count on your assistance?
My sincerest thanks. Now, I would have you search the path towards Mih Khetto’s Amphitheatre. Question anyone you encounter─someone must have seen a reindeer pause!
I shall retrace our steps as far as Apkallu Falls, in case Blitzen thought to return there. Good luck!
A reindeer? Why, yes, I saw it go dashing through the snow towards Mih Khetto’s Amphitheatre.
No reindeer games here, I’m afraid─the fellow you’re looking for jingled straight past the amphitheatre and down the lane.
Mmm, perfection! Exquisite perfection! The very incarnation of crystalline beauty! …Oh, were you speaking to me?
Reindeer? No, no, I only have eyes for frozen objects of superior aestheticism.
…Although, I do recall some vague clopping noises occuring somewhere close by. Chocobo, reindeer…must have been something of the sort. Headed towards New Gridania.
Was it laughing all the way? That, I don’t know…but try checking Mih Khetto’s Amphitheatre.
Nearly clipped my old nan, he was in such a rush. Make sure he doesn’t run anyone over, eh?
Oh, I don’t know─it was some vaguely bipedal or tripodal or quadri…four-legged creature that passed through. More importantly, have you beheld my magnificent snowman!?
Oh, adventurer! Have you had any luck in locating─
Blitzen! Where have you been!? I have been running myself ragged in search of you!
B-Blitzen!? Why do you bray so dreadfully!?
(-???-)Why, to summon me, of course! Ho ho ho!
And you are…?
(-Saint of Nymeia-)I am the Saint of Nymeia, and I have come at Ser Reindeer’s behest to lead your misguided soul unto the sanctuary of Starlight’s sparkling bosom.
(-Saint of Nymeia-)I will ask you plainly, young scholar─do you understand why you were unable to recreate the legendary twinkling of the Ghost of Starlight Present?
Ngh! I-I…I…
(-Saint of Nymeia-)It seems as though you have yet to fully comprehend the reason. But the Saint of Nymeia knows all! Sees all! Yes, to an uncomfortable─nay, disturbing─degree!
(-Saint of Nymeia-)You must have an idea of why Laurenssen so spectacularly failed, do you not?
What will you say?
He forgot what the Starlight Celebration is truly about.
He hates children.
What it’s truly about? I am an associate professor of folklore─of course I know what it’s about! The Starlight Celebration is a festivity held for children each…oh.
Hate them? I don’t hate them─I simply know that they are sticky and apparently lack the bare minimum of respect for the study of…oh.
Oh, I see. I understand now…
(-Saint of Nymeia-)It is well that you do! But I shall summarize anyway so as to preclude any convenient misunderstandings─yes, the Starlight Celebration is, and always has been, an event for all the good little poppets of this realm. This, Ser Reindeer knows all too well.
(-Saint of Nymeia-)You, however, were too preoccupied with proving your research to notice that the purpose of this season is to bring joy to the hearts of younglings. This, Ser Reindeer sensed all too well, and was therefore loath to cater to your selfish aims.
I-It is as you say, good saint. Adhering to the rules and traditions of the culture one studies is basic folklorist fieldwork. I shame my profession by forgetting it…
Gwoooah! Gwoooah!
Do you mean to comfort me, perhaps? Thank you, Blitzen. I am sorry for ignoring your wishes.
(-Saint of Nymeia-)Ho ho ho! It seems my job here is done.
(-Saint of Nymeia-)I leave this man and this reindeer in your capable hands, adventurer. Happy Starlight to all, and to all a good night!
Right then─there isn’t a moment to lose! Let us resume our research─erm, no. Force of habit. Ahem! Let us resume our celebration of this wondrous season by bringing joy and happiness to children! …Right?
(-Tearful Tot-)Waaaaaaaaaaaah! I want my mummyyyyyyyyy!
That cry of distress! It’s coming from the other side of the aetheryte plaza! Come, Blitzen!
O-Oh dear, wh-what does one d-d-do at a time like this!? Er, s-see here, tiny creature! Wh-Whimper not! A-All is well!
A crying child? Pray, go comfort them─perhaps ask what is the matter?
(-Tearful Tot-)Waaaaaah! Waaaaaah! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
W-We must stop her crying if we are ever to discover what the matter is!
Perhaps she could be distracted? What do children like? Er…sweets! But perhaps she has allergies… Toys? But I carry no such trinkets!
(-Tearful Tot-)Waaaooooooh! Look how pretty!
Perfect, Blitzen! Well done. Now we may ask what distresses her!
Er, hello, little thing. Tell me─what is it that troubles you?
(-Tearful Tot-)Well, me and Mummy were going out to the shops, but then I turned around and she wasn’t there! A-And I got scared!
Hmm. To be lost and alone is frightening indeed. But you needn’t worry─Blitzen and I are grown-ups, and thus privy to special powers that will summon your mother immediately.
You found my daughter!? Oh, thank the Spinner…!
(-Tearful Tot-)Mummy! Mummy! I was so scared!
There, there, my dearest, I’m here now!
Thank you, sir, for keeping her safe! I am ever so grateful to you.
(-Tearful Tot-)Thank you, sir! And you too, Mister Reindeer! Those shiny presents were ever so pretty.
What will you say to Laurenssen?
Your theory was correct, I see.
What? …Oh! Yes, I suppose Blitzen just proved my theory, didn’t he? Funny, I was too concerned with pacifying that poor girl to notice.
Still, I suppose I fulfilled my duty, so let us report back to Amh Garanjy.
You’re back! Did it all work out in the end?
Somehow or another, yes. We managed to reunite the child with her mother─er, rather, the experiment was a success.
…I see. Thank you so much for all your help.
And allow me to offer my gratitude as well. If not for your kind patience, I would still be caught in my own selfish and blinded ambitions. Thank you for reminding me what this season is all about.
It seems Blitzen is expressing his thanks as well!
But from what I understand, you were the shining star of today’s events, Blitzen! It is due to your unique and wonderful powers that a child was able to forget her woes. You are a little helper if ever I met one!
But what do you think inspired his change of heart? The last I saw him, he seemed entirely reluctant to the prospect.
I believe the simple answer to your question is “concern.” He could tell that I held none for children and wished only to satisfy my academic curiosity. How could pure-hearted Blitzen assist me in such misguided endeavors?
However, once he sensed that the concern I held for children─or, rather, that weeping child─was genuine, he felt comfortable enough to use his powers.
Blitzen sounds like quite the intuitive fellow!
Reindeer generally are. As herd animals, they are accustomed to sensing the even the slightest shift of feeling or intent in their fellows.
No doubt Blitzen’s ancestors were the same, conjuring the Ghost of Starlight Present in response to the genuine emotions of care and doting in adults around them.
Reindeer were far more plentiful back then─even domesticated as beasts of burden with relatively regular contact with younglings. One can only imagine the sort of miraculous spectacle the Starlight Ceremony must have been in those times…
It is truly unfortunate that Blitzen’s kin have so declined in number… But the symbol of the Starlight Ceremony will never fade!
I will cherish and remember the importance of the history you have taught us.
If I was able to impart even a modicum of the fascination I feel towards my subject, I will count myself very blessed indeed. Ah, but that reminds me.
There is one last task that I would appreciate your assistance with─to wit, sharing the Ghost of Starlight Present with as many children as we can find.
Speaking in the true spirit of Starlight! I daresay you’ll be a little helper yet, Laurenssen.
Speak with Laurenssen to assist him on a special Starlight Celebration mission.
Who knows what surprising and familiar faces you might encounter…?

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