FFXIV 星芒祭と幻影のトナカイ


FFXIV 星芒祭と幻影のトナカイ

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✓ Gather children for Laurenssen.
✓ Speak with Laurenssen.
✓ Wait for Laurenssen at the designated location.
✓ Search for Laurenssen.
✓ Speak with Laurenssen.


Amh Garanjy is looking for an adventurer filled with Starlight cheer.
※This quest is available for a limited time only.

Amh Garanjy, celebrated Starlight celebrant, introduces you to Laurenssen, an associate professor visiting from Sharlayan. As a dignified scholar of folklore, Laurenssen enlists your help in preparing an experiment that he hopes will prove the origin story of reindeer symbolism─the Ghost of Starlight Present, a mystical illusion summoned by reindeer to bring joy to the hearts of children. Laurenssen sends you off to gather a crowd of children, while Blitzen, the reindeer at the crux of this operation, blinks balefully, seemingly less than enthusiastic…

※Please note that you will be unable to complete this quest after the seasonal event has ended. For details, please check the Lodestone.

Despite asking various children to come and see your magical reindeer, you end up with only a single taker. Reflecting upon where you might have gone wrong, you head back to Laurenssen.

Laurenssen is disgruntled by the notable lack of rosy-cheeked cherubs, but decides to try the experiment nonetheless. It ends in abject failure and literal tears, which Laurenssen temporarily excuses himself to dab. You listen to the soothing sounds of Apkallu Falls and wait for his return as you contemplate the finer points of mortal existence.

No matter how long you wait, Laurenssen fails to return. A lesser woman would simply abandon him to his misery, but no─this is the season of generosity, and you are a greater woman. You set off towards the Greatloam Growery and the distinctive sound of messy sniffling.

Laurenssen admits that he has been reflecting upon where he might have gone wrong, and has arrived at the conclusion that the children of Gridania were not inspiring enough for his reindeer─who is notably absent. Realizing his companion is no longer blinking balefully beside him─or anywhere, for that matter─Laurenssen rushes off. You remind yourself that you are a champion of the people, and follow him before he trips and hurts himself.

To say Laurenssen is worried would be to adopt the sort of understatement favored by used-airship salesmen and politicians. Visibly shaking with the horror of losing his only true companion, Laurenssen vows to find his darling Blitzen, but it is painfully evident he will need a touch of courage from an adventurer’s heart before he is fit enough to try…


How good it is to see you again, my dear adventurer! You haven’t forgotten me since last we met, have you? Amh Garanjy, Starlight celebrant.
Happy Starlight! You are an adventurer, are you not? I am Amh Garanjy, Starlight celebrant, and very pleased to meet you.
The saint has guided you here at a most opportune moment. For you see, we are planning festivities most extraordinary this year, and could very much use an adventurer’s charisma…
(-Viera Youth-)No good, Celebrant Garanjy. Simply no good! I’m afraid we shall need that adventurer after all.
(-Viera Youth-)Oh! Well, I see you’ve already made the arrangements─she is an adventurer, yes?
Allow me to introduce Laurenssen, an associate professor of the Studium in Sharlayan. His are the extraordinary festivities for which I am hoping to secure your assistance.
Laurenssen, Faculty of Folklore. Delighted, I’m sure.
Now then, adventurer─without further ado, let us see how knowledgeable you are. Tell me, what creature symbolizes the Starlight Celebration?
What will you say?
I refuse to answer.
An easy question, was it not? I apologize if I insulted your intelligence─indeed, the answer is “reindeer.”
Bear? Do you…have a personal affinity for bears, perhaps? Regardless, the correct answer is “reindeer.”
Yeeeeee…? Oh, you mean “yeti.”
…Yeti!? Why on earth would such a bloodthirsty beast symbolize the Starlight Celebration!? The correct answer is “reindeer”!
Not on account of ignorance, surely, as even the most feeble-minded could provide a serviceable guess. But I suppose I can enlighten you, nonetheless─the answer is “reindeer.”
From gifts to garb, Starlight parapernalia is often emblazeoned with or designed in the image of these noble creatures.
Now for my second question─when was this symbolism incorporated into the Starlight Celebration?
When? You mean to say it was not always so?
No indeed! Any mention of reindeer is conspicuously absent from the original Ishgardian tales of Starlight. So I ask again─whence and wherefore did the reindeer call?
I have spent many a dedicated moon researching these perplexing quandaries, and finally, in a Coerthan tome of arcane origin, I discovered testimony of a phenomenon most queer─to wit, the Ghost of Starlight Present!
It is said that reindeer in possession of these magicks would conjure mysterious illusions of gifts and whimsy to delight young hearts during the winter season.
Surely it was the selfless procurement of these phantoms that earned reindeer their Starlight celebrity─and so I have come to Gridania with Blitzen in order to definitively prove the veracity of my claims!
Oh! So Blitzen is the sort of reindeer that can conjure the Ghost of Starlight Present?
Yes, Blitzen is of an endangered pedigree, currently protected within Labyrinthos as we continue our research. Typically, their ability to weave optical illusions is used as a precaution against would-be predators.
Yes, Blitzen is of an endangered pedigree, currently protected within Sharlayan as we continue our research. Typically, their ability to weave optical illusions is used as a precaution against would-be predators.
However, it is my belief that this very line of reindeer are those mentioned in the testimony I found, making Blitzen one of the few remaining successors of his bloodline’s traditions.
Once he recreates the Ghost of Starlight Present with his unique capabilities, my erstwhile theories will become immovable fact! It shall be a singular triumph in the history of folklore!
…However, no matter how rationally I have explained this to him, he has yet to produce any phantoms, whimsical or otherwise. Which is why I thought it best to recreate with complete accuracy the circumstances under which his progenitors once thrived.
I welcome anything that would bring cheer to our sweet children! My duties bind me here, but I believe our adventurer friend here will prove a most capable assistant.
Quite! Your, er, face and general demeanor tell me you are a perfect candidate for the task I have in store. Can I rely on your efforts?
Splendid. Posterity shall thank you. Now then, your role is a simple-yet-crucial one─gather up as many children as you can, and then bring them to me anon.
I shall be at Apkallu Falls, making the necessary preparations upon Blitzen. We await your triumphant arrival!
A good place to start may well be the path from the markets to the Lancer’s Guild. I daresay many a youngling will be out gazing starry-eyed at the shops and decorations.
Thank you for helping Laurenssen in his noble endeavor. If I spot any interested darlings, I shall send them your way!
There, there! That’s a good lad. You’ll show us the Ghost of Starlight Present this time, yes?
A reindeer making ghosts!? I-I’m not scared or anything, but…
A-Actually, I just rememebered! I promised my mum I’d help her with the Starlight decorations, so…maybe next time!
Oh… I, er… I was told to buy eggs and hurry home. Sorry…
You said a reindeer’s gonna make presents appear out of thin air!? That’s bloody brilliant!
I’m done with me chores, so let’s have a look! Apkallu Falls, right? Wicked!
Oh, it’s you again! You’re here to watch too? Just don’t steal any of my presents─I bite! Haha!
Welcome back, adventurer! I trust you were able to assemble a crowd of rosy-cheeked cherubs?
…Only that one!?
<sigh> This is what’s wrong with children these days─no concept of the value of scholarship or academic inquiry!
…I suppose this ragamuffin will have to suffice. The number of children is not consequential, after all, simply one’s presence.
Now, Blitzen! The season of lights is in full glow, and a needy child stands before you! Hearken unto the spirit of your ancestors, and show us the brilliance of the Ghost of Starlight Present!
…O-On, Blitzen! There’s no need to be shy, my boy! Show us your arcane magicks!
Eeehhh? That’s just a normal bleedin’ reindeer, that is! The baby yeti from last year was way better. Oh well!
W-Wait! Don’t leave, I beseech you! There are valuable gains to be made in the name of history, and I require your assistance!
I have…failed. I have squandered your time and generosity and made a mockery of my research…
What is to become of me? I cannot return in such disgrace! …E-Excuse me, good adventurer, I-I need a moment to collect myself… Somewhere with extensive and soothing fauna…
Did it not go as planned? That is unfortunate…but I am sure the two of you can discover a solution!
You wait patiently, but Laurenssen does not return. Perhaps you should follow the sound of sniffling in the general direction of the Greatloam Growery.
O-Oh, it’s you. …D-Did I keep you waiting overlong? I apologize…
I must have gotten lost in thought, you see, as I meditated upon my delimma. But I believe I have discovered the true problem at hand─the children of Gridania are simply insufficient.
It only stands to reason─the original texts are Ishgardian, after all, meaning the Ghost of Starlight Present must have been witnessed by Ishgardian children! I was a fool to think of proving my theory anywhere else!
Perhaps you could come and assist us in Ishgard? Blitzen and I have never been inside the city before…
Ah, but Ishgard is currently closed to outsiders… As an adventurer, perhaps you know how Blitzen and I might safely infiltrate the city?
What will you say?
How does Blitzen feel about all this?
You seem to be one reindeer short of a sleigh.
I don’t think the children are what’s insufficient.
Blitzen? Why, I think he should agree with me as always─eh?
What? What do you mean? I don’t have a─eh?
What!? Do you mean to imply that my reindeer is insufficient!? Because I’ll have you know that Blitzen is─eh?
B-Blitzen!? But he was just here! Where has he gone!? Blitzen! Blitzen!
I can’t find him! I can’t find him! Where has he gone!?
H-Have you seen him!? A reindeer! Responds to the name of “Blitzen”! O-Oh, but you’ve met him already! Er!
H-How could I not have noticed he was gone!? Wh-What have I done!? He m-must be so s-scared all on his own! I-I must f-f-find him before he p-p-perishes from sh-sheer loneliness!
B-B-Blitzen! D-Don’t w-w-worry, my d-dear b-b-boy, I’ll f-f-find you!

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