Augury of Penitence - Path of Exile

1. Augury of Penitence

Name Augury of Penitence
Class Inquisitor
Category Notable ascendancy passive skill
Distance from start 2
  • Nearby Enemies take 16% increased Elemental Damage
  • Nearby Enemies deal 8% less Elemental Damage

Augury of Penitence

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2. Inquisitor Passive Skills

Name Category Stats
Elemental Damage, Attack and Cast Speed
Basic 10% increased Elemental Damage
4% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Elemental Damage, Life Regeneration
Basic Regenerate 0.5% of Life per second
10% increased Elemental Damage
Elemental Damage and Resistances
Basic +6% to all Elemental Resistances
10% increased Elemental Damage
Elemental Damage, Critical Strike Multiplier
Basic 10% increased Elemental Damage
+10% to Critical Strike Multiplier
Righteous Providence
Notable 1% increased Critical Strike Chance per point of Strength or Intelligence, whichever is lower
+50 to Strength and Intelligence
Inevitable Judgement

Critical Strikes ignore Enemy Monster Elemental Resistances
Non-Critical Strikes Penetrate 10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances

(Ignoring Resistances means your Damage cannot be modified in any way by any Resistance stats)

Augury of Penitence
Notable Nearby Enemies take 16% increased Elemental Damage
Nearby Enemies deal 8% less Elemental Damage

Consecrated Ground you create applies 15% increased Damage taken to Enemies
You have Consecrated Ground around you while stationary

(Allies on your Consecrated Ground Regenerate a percentage of their Maximum Life per second, and Curses have 50% reduced effect on them)

Pious Path

Consecrated Ground you create causes Life Regeneration to
also Recover Energy Shield for you and Allies
50% increased Effect of Consecrated Ground you create
Effects of Consecrated Ground you create Linger for 4 seconds

(The effects of the ground still apply to you, allies or enemies after leaving its area)

Instruments of Zeal

Gain Fanaticism for 4 seconds on reaching Maximum Fanatic Charges
Gain 1 Fanatic Charge every second if you've Attacked in the past second
Lose all Fanatic Charges on reaching Maximum Fanatic Charges
+4 to Maximum Fanatic Charges

(Fanaticism grants Spells you Cast yourself 75% more Cast Speed, 75% reduced Cost and 75% increased Area of Effect)

Instruments of Virtue

10% more Attack Damage for each Non-Instant Spell you've Cast in the past 8 seconds, up to a maximum of 30%

(Gain Added Spell Damage equal to the Damage of your Main Hand Weapon)

3. Inquisitor Passives Tree

PoE Inquisitor Ascendancy

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