Efficient Training Crimson Jewel - Path of Exile

Efficient Training Crimson Jewel

Efficient Training

Efficient Training is a unique Crimson Jewel. Jewels. Radius: Large (1500).

  • +(16–24) to Strength
  • Intelligence from Passives in Radius is Transformed to Strength

Flavour Text: Working smart and working hard aren't mutually exclusive.

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Item acquisition

Efficient Training can drop anywhere. It can be chanced.


Efficient Training can be created from the following recipes:

Amount Part Description
2 The Unexpected Prize random attribute transforming Jewel
4 The Garish Power Random jewel
10 The Eye of the Dragon Random corrupted jewel
8 Arrogance of the Vaal Random two-implicit corrupted item
4 Jack in the Box Random item
1 Singular Incubator Random item
1 The Void Random divination card set exchange