Bubonic Trail Murder Boots - Path of Exile

Bubonic Trail Murder Boots

Bubonic Trail

Bubonic Trail is a unique Murder Boots. Boots. Evasion Rating: 185–213. Energy Shield: 18–21.

Requires Level 69, 82 Dex, 42 Int.

  • Has 1 Abyssal Socket
  • Triggers Level 20 Death Walk when Equipped
  • (4–6)% increased maximum Life
  • 30% increased Movement Speed
  • 10% increased Damage for each type of Abyss Jewel affecting you
  • (Only Abyss Jewels can be Socketed in Abyssal Sockets)

Flavour Text: Even the dead serve the Lightless.

Bubonic Trail Murder Boots

Bubonic Trail

Bubonic Trail is a unique Murder Boots. Boots. Evasion Rating: 185–213. Energy Shield: 18–21.

Requires Level 69, 82 Dex, 42 Int.

  • Has 2 Abyssal Sockets
  • Triggers Level 20 Death Walk when Equipped
  • (4–6)% increased maximum Life
  • 30% increased Movement Speed
  • 10% increased Damage for each type of Abyss Jewel affecting you
  • (Only Abyss Jewels can be Socketed in Abyssal Sockets)

Flavour Text: Even the dead serve the Lightless.

3.21.1 Patch Notes: Updated the description on Bubonic Trail to clarify it only affects the Reservation Efficiency of Skills.

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Death Walk

Name Death Walk
Skill Id DeathWalk
Cast Time 1.00 sec
Level Req. 60
Attack Speed 100% of base
Attack Damage 100% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage 100%
While you walk, this skill causes corpses near your steps to explode, dealing fire damage in an area. The explosions of the corpses are not affected by modifiers to spell damage, and cannot be reflected.
Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to 5% of the corpse's Maximum Life
This Spell is Triggered when Gained
This Skill cannot Knock Enemies Back
You cannot Cast this Spell directly
Damage cannot be Reflected
This Skill Costs nothing

Death Walk is affected by socketed support gems regardless of whether they are linked. However, since Death Walk is not granted by a skill gem, it cannot be supported by Empower Support, Enhance Support, or Enlighten Support.

Using Cyclone does not count as "walking" for purposes of Death Walk.

Item Acquisition

Bubonic Trail can only be obtained as a random unique drop from Abyssal Lich in Abyssal Depths. Note that it can drop with either one or two abyssal sockets, with one socket being a much more common occurrence.