Divergent Vaal Double Strike

1. Divergent Vaal Double Strike

NameAdditional Effects From QualityWeight
Divergent Vaal Double Strike(0–20)% chance to Maim on Hit100

Performs two fast strikes with a melee weapon, each of which summons a double of you for a duration to continuously attack monsters in this fashion.Performs two fast strikes with a melee weapon.

Attack, Melee, Strike, Duration, Vaal, Physical. Level: 1–20. Souls Per Use: 30. Can Store 2 Use. Soul Gain Prevention: 8 sec. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 28–41%. Requires Level 1. Level: 1–40. Cost: 5 Mana. Attack Speed: 80% of base. Requires Level 1.

  • Base duration is 6 seconds
  • Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill"s Soul Gain Prevention
  • Doubles have (0–57)% increased Movement Speed
  • Can"t be Evaded
  • 25% chance to cause Bleeding
  • Adds (3–113) to (5–169) Physical Damage against Bleeding Enemies
  • Maximum 8 Summoned Doubles
  • Corrupted25% chance to cause Bleeding
  • Adds (3–309) to (5–464) Physical Damage against Bleeding Enemies
  • base skill number of additional hits [1]

Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

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3. Level Effect

LevelRequires LevelDexterityBase DamageAdds 3 to 5 Physical Damage against Bleeding EnemiesDoubles have #% increased Movement SpeedExperience
111028%3, 570
221228.7%3, 53308
341629.4%4, 661,554
472230.1%6, 896,667
5113130.7%8, 111226,047
6164131.4%10, 161549,725
7205032.1%13, 201895,714
8245832.8%17, 2521169,595
9286733.5%20, 3024283,759
10327534.2%25, 3727453,996
11368334.8%30, 4430703,128
12409235.5%35, 53331,061,223
134410036.2%42, 63362,065,870
144810936.9%49, 74392,507,110
155211737.6%58, 86425,798,936
165612538.3%67, 1014515,083,919
176013438.9%78, 1174827,792,735
186414239.6%91, 1365143,869,739
196714840.3%101, 15254242,081,556
207015541%113, 16957
217241.7%121, 18160
227442.4%130, 19563
237643.1%139, 20966
247843.7%149, 22469
258044.4%160, 23972
268245.1%171, 25675
278445.8%183, 27478
288646.5%196, 29381
298847.2%209, 31484
309047.8%223, 33587
319148.2%231, 34689
329248.5%239, 35890
339348.9%247, 37092
349449.2%255, 38293
359549.6%263, 39595
369649.9%272, 40896
379750.2%281, 42198
389850.6%290, 43599
399950.9%300, 449101
4010051.3%309, 464102