Divergent Vaal Arc

1. Divergent Vaal Arc

NameAdditional Effects From QualityWeight
Divergent Vaal Arc(0–10)% increased Damage for each time this Skill has Chained50

A shocking arc of lightning stretches from the caster to a targeted enemy and chains to other nearby enemies. Each time the beam chains it will also chain simultaneously to a second enemy, but no enemy can be hit twice by the beams. Also grants a buff making you lucky when damaging enemies with Arc for a short duration.An arc of lightning stretches from the caster to a targeted enemy and chains on to other nearby enemies. Each time the main beam chains it will also chain to a second enemy, but that secondary arc cannot chain further.

Spell, Chaining, Vaal, Lightning, Duration. Level: 1–20. Souls Per Use: 25. Can Store 1 Use. Soul Gain Prevention: 2 sec. Cast Time: 0.70 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 180%. Requires Level 12. Level: 1–40. Cost: 8–31 Mana. Requires Level 12.

  • Deals (38–924) to (64–1539) Lightning Damage
  • 100% increased Duration of Lightning Ailments
  • Base duration is 4 seconds
  • Chains +(5–9) Times
  • 100% chance to Shock enemies
  • 15% more Damage for each remaining Chain
  • 100% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments
  • CorruptedDeals (6–871) to (32–4934) Lightning Damage
  • Chains +(4–11) Times
  • 10% chance to Shock enemies
  • 15% more Damage for each remaining Chain
  • (10–44)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments
  • arc chain distance [35]
  • arc enhanced behaviour [1]
  • disable visual hit effect [1]

Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

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3. Level Effect

LevelRequires LevelIntelligenceDeals 38 to 64 Lightning DamageChains +5 TimesExperience
1123338, 64515,249
2153948, 80541,517
3194864, 106581,983
4235683, 1385147,968
52764105, 1766250,557
63173133, 2226405,086
73581166, 2776447,718
83888196, 3266615,318
94194229, 3827834,639
1044100268, 44671,570,760
1147106312, 51971,633,987
1250113362, 60372,151,030
1353119419, 69882,812,189
1456125483, 80685,099,360
1559132557, 92989,400,731
1662138641, 1068815,273,366
1764142703, 1172926,286,582
1866146770, 1284962,890,590
1968151844, 14069212,046,017
2070155924, 15399
21721010, 168410
22741104, 184110
23761207, 201110
24781318, 219610
25801438, 239711
26821569, 261411
27841710, 285111
28861864, 310711
29882031, 338412
30902211, 368512
31912307, 384512
32922407, 401112
33932511, 418412
34942619, 436512
35952731, 455212
36962848, 474713
37972970, 495013
38983097, 516113
39993229, 538113
401003366, 561013
LevelRequires LevelCostDeals 6 to 32 Lightning DamageChains +4 Times10% increased Effect of Lightning AilmentsExperience
11286, 32410
21597, 41411
3191010, 56412
4231113, 75413
5271217, 98414
6311322, 127515
7351429, 162516
8381534, 194517
9411641, 232518
10441649, 276519
11471758, 327620
12501868, 387621
13531981, 457622
14561995, 538623
155920111, 631624
166221131, 740725
176421145, 822726
186622161, 912727
196822179, 1012728
207023198, 1122729
217224219, 1242830
227424243, 1375831
237625269, 1522832
247825297, 1683833
258026328, 1859834
268226362, 2054935
278427400, 2268936
288627442, 2503937
298828487, 2761938
309028537, 3044939
319128564, 31961039
329229592, 33561040
339329622, 35221040
349429652, 36971041
359529685, 38801041
369630719, 40721142
379730754, 42731142
389830791, 44831143
399930830, 47031143
4010031871, 49341144