D2R Stamina

D2R Stamina

Stamina affects how far you can run. Having more stamina means you can run farther before tiring out.

Heavier Armor Drains Stamina Faster and Reduces Run/Walk Speed
Wearing Medium or Heavy Armor and/or Shield drains your Stamina faster and reduces your Run/Walk speed. Light Armor does not affect Stamina Drain nor Run/Walk speed. The penalty for equipping Heavy Shields and Armor stacks, so -10% from a Shield and -10% from Armor would make you run 20% slower, as an estimate. If you're having serious problems with Stamina, switch to Medium or Light Armor and/or Shield.
Light Armor (ArmorSpeed=0)
Quilted Armor/Ghost Armor/Dusk Shroud
Leather Armor/Serpentskin Armor/Wyrmhide
Hard Leather Armor/Demonhide Armor/Scarab Husk
Studded Leather Armor/Trellised Armor/Wire Fleece
Breast Plate/Cuirass/Great Hauberk
Light Plate/Mage Plate/Archon Plate

Light Shields
Necromancer Shrunken Heads
Paladin Shields
Bone/Grim/Troll Nest
Spiked/Barbed/Blade Barrier

Medium Armor (ArmorSpeed=5; 5% speed decrease)
Ring Mail/Linked Mail/Diamond Mail
Chain Mail/Mesh Armor/Boneweave
Splint Mail/Russet Armor/Balrog Skin
Field Plate/Sharktooth Armor/Kraken Shell
Gothic Plate/Embossed Plate/Lacquered Plate
Ancient Armor/Ornate Armor/Sacred Armor

Medium Shields (5% speed decrease)

Heavy Armor (ArmorSpeed=10; 10% speed decrease)
Scale Mail/Tigulated Mail/Loricated Mail
Plate Mail/Templar Coat/Hellforged Plate
Full Plate/Chaos Armor/Shadow Plate

Heavy Shields (10% speed decrease)

Stamina Gain
Standing still: Max_Stamina / 256
Walking in town: [Max_Stamina / 2] / 256
Walking outside town (if Stamina>0): [Max_Stamina / 2] / 256

A character with a max Stamina of 167 and a +52% stamina recovery rate is currently walking in town. He will then regain

25 * ([[167 / 2] * (100 + 52) / 100] / 256) = 12.305 Stamina per second

Stamina Loss
25 * (40 * (1 + [ArmorSpeed / 10]) * ItemDrainRate / 256)

ArmorSpeed is the value listed for your currently equipped armor and shield (add them up).
ItemDrainRate is any percentage bonus your items give you to x% Slower Stamina Drain. The Treads of Cthon (50%) are one of the items to have this.

Light Armor: 25 * (40 * (1 + [0 / 10]) / 256) = 25 (40 / 256) = 3.91 Stamina per second.

How does one fix Stamina problems?
If you find you are running out of Stamina too quickly, equip magic items that add to Max Stamina and that regenerate Stamina. Also, next time you level up, devote more points to Vitality.

Other Stamina-Replenishing Options
Stamina Shrines give you unlimited Stamina for a limited time. Stamina Shrines regenerate, so you can use them multiple times.

Some items possess Magical Attributes that increase your walking or running speeds. Using these items does not use more Stamina than normal movement.

You can find items of Pacing, Haste, Speed, and Unique and Set items that increase walking and running speed. These items do not take any additional Stamina and allow your character to walk or run faster.

Stamina Potions act as a Stamina Shrine by giving you unlimited Stamina for 30 Seconds, and drinking additional Stamina Potions adds 30 seconds to that timer per Stamina Potion drunk.

Some Magical Items have Magical Attributes that will help you regain Stamina.

The Druid Werewolf form gives a bonus to Stamina.

The Barbarian's Passive Combat Skills can offer Increased Stamina and Increased Speed. He can also use the Battle Orders Warcry to increase Max Stamina, Life, and Mana for himself, his Hirelings, and his whole party.

The Paladin has a Defensive Aura called Vigor, which increases Stamina Recovery Rate, Maximum Stamina, and Speed.

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D2R Character Attributes

Each time you gain a level, you receive 5 attribute points to distribute among your 4 attributes: Strength, which affects damage; Dexterity, which affects the ability to hit and avoid attacks; Vitality, which affects life; and Energy, which affects mana. Click on the “+” button next to an attribute to increase that attribute.

  • Strength — Damage • Health Regeneration
  • Dexterity — Attack Rating • Defense • Block
  • Vitality — Life • Stamina
  • Energy — Mana • Mana Regeneration

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