Throne and Liberty Aquatic Morph Basic Move Speed

Aquatic Morph Basic Move Speed: Increases bonus to basic Move Speed while in Aquatic Morph.

In Throne and Liberty, "Aquatic Morph Basic Move Speed" is another stat that enhances your movement under the waves. Let’s break it down:

Aquatic Morph: As we discussed before, this shapeshift form allows you to swim freely and fight underwater.

Basic Move Speed: This refers to your standard movement speed without using any skills or boosts. In simpler terms, it’s the pace you maintain by default while swimming.

Bonus to Basic Move Speed: Similar to the Acceleration Rate, some stats offer additional bumps to your base speed. In this case, "Aquatic Morph Basic Move Speed" specifically increases the bonus you receive while transformed into Aquatic Morph.

Benefits of Higher Speed: A faster basic move speed in Aquatic Morph makes exploring underwater areas much smoother and quicker. You can cover greater distances with ease, chase or evade enemies more efficiently, and navigate complex underwater environments with improved agility.

How to Increase it:

  • Leveling Aquatic Morph: Leveling up your Aquatic Morph unlocks skills and passives that improve your swimming speed.
  • Equipment and Buffs: Certain equipment pieces and buff consumables can offer temporary boosts to your Aquatic Morph Basic Move Speed.
  • The stat you mentioned: Directly increases the bonus you receive to your base swimming speed while in Aquatic Morph form.

Remember: This stat only applies to Aquatic Morph. It won’t affect your basic move speed in Land or Aerial Morph forms.

Comparison with Acceleration Rate: Both stats enhance your underwater movement, but they affect different aspects:

  • Acceleration Rate: Focuses on how quickly you reach your top speed after starting to move.
  • Basic Move Speed: Determines your sustained swimming speed once you’re up to momentum.

Ultimately, maximizing both stats can create a highly agile and efficient underwater adventurer in Throne and Liberty.

I hope this clarifies the function and significance of the "Aquatic Morph Basic Move Speed" stat! Feel free to ask if you have any further questions about underwater exploration, combat, or any other aspect of this fascinating game!

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