PoE How To Use Righteous Fire

Unleashing the fiery wrath of Righteous Fire in Path of Exile is a spectacle to behold, and mastering its intricacies can set your path ablaze with success. Here’s a guide to wielding this potent skill effectively:

1. Foundations of Fire:

  • Gem Choice: Righteous Fire is a channeled AoE spell, so consider its supporting gems carefully. Flamethrower Support boosts damage, Concentrated Area of Effect tightens the beam, and Elemental Focus ensures you burn bright against fire-resistant enemies.
  • Attributes and Passives: Strength and Intelligence both fuel Righteous Fire’s damage. Invest in relevant passives that increase fire damage, burning damage, and area of effect.

2. Fueling the Flames:

  • Mana Management: Channeling consumes mana, so utilize Mana Leech Support, Mind over Matter, or mana regeneration passives to keep the fire burning.
  • Elemental Equilibrium: Consider this keystone to balance your elemental resistances and maximize Righteous Fire’s damage potential.

3. Burning Bright:

  • Movement and Positioning: Stay mobile while channeling, using Flame Dash or movement skills to dodge enemy attacks and maintain optimal burning position.
  • Damage Over Time: Remember, Righteous Fire’s true power lies in sustained burning, not burst damage. Plan your rotations and engagements to maximize burn duration.
  • Curses and Utility: Enfeeble, Flammability, and Temporal Chains weaken enemies for easier burns. Utilise defensive auras like Purity of Fire or Grace for survivability.

4. Beyond the Basics:

  • Ascendancy: Righteous Fire synergizes well with various Ascendancies. Elementalist enhances burning damage, Chieftain offers life regeneration and fire resistance, and Inquisitor strengthens elemental penetration.
  • Unique Items: Several uniques, like Atziri’s Reflection or Soul Mantle, amplify Righteous Fire’s power in unique ways. Research options that align with your build goals.
  • Experimentation and Optimization: Practice, analyze your damage output, and refine your skill gem setups, support gems, and gear to optimize your fiery inferno.

Remember: Righteous Fire demands careful planning and resource management. Mastering its flow will transform you into a walking conflagration, scorching your enemies and illuminating your path to victory. Go forth, Exile, and burn brightly!

Enjoy your fiery adventures, and remember to respect other players and promote good sportsmanship within the Path of Exile community!

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