The Raging Inferno Cosmic Apex Sentinel - Path of Exile

The Raging Inferno Cosmic Apex Sentinel

The Raging Inferno

The Raging Inferno is a unique Cosmic Apex Sentinel. Sentinel. Duration: 20 seconds. Empowers: 1 enemies. Empowerment: 100. Charge: 5/5. Can only Empower Fire and Fury (Level 83).

Requires Level 75.

  • Destroyed on Empowering target Enemy
  • Map Item Quantity affects number of rewards from Empowered Enemy
  • Empowered Monsters drop (8–12) Currency Rewards

Flavour Text: A fiery horror from a distant plane of existence, it feasts upon the charred corpses subsumed by lava pits. Don't fall in...

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Can only Empower Fire and Fury (Level 83). Adds the following abilities:

  • Creates multiple balls of fire that travel in random directions
  • Fires a long beam of Fire that tracks the player and applies Doryani's Conflagration (The Apex Assembly's skill)

The random reward type is chosen randomly between the following types:

  • Fragment
  • Currency
  • Unique
  • Map
  • Scarab
  • Sentinel
  • Divination Card

Rewards Mods

  1. Empowered Monsters drop (8–12) Currency Rewards
  2. Empowered Monsters drop (8–12) Divination Card Rewards
  3. Empowered Monsters drop (8–12) Fragment Rewards
  4. Empowered Monsters drop (8–12) Map Rewards
  5. Empowered Monsters drop (8–12) Scarab Rewards
  6. Empowered Monsters drop (8–12) Sentinel Rewards
  7. Empowered Monsters drop (8–12) Unique Rewards

Item acquisition

The Raging Inferno is drop disabled.