Skull and Bones Resource Settlement Unlock

In Skull and Bones, unlocking resource settlements involves completing specific tasks and meeting certain requirements. While I can’t offer information on specific unconfirmed resources like Wyrm’s Breath, I can guide you on the general process for unlocking resource settlements based on confirmed information:

Step 1: Gain Influence with Factions:

  • Each resource settlement is affiliated with a specific faction (e.g., The Silent Order, The Last Hand).
  • Increase your influence with the governing faction by completing missions, contracts, or other activities aligned with their goals.
  • Check the faction’s reputation page to see your current influence level and unlock requirements for specific settlements.

Step 2: Meet Investment Requirements:

  • Each settlement will have a specific investment cost in Pieces of Eight (POE) required to unlock it.
  • Ensure you have enough POE to cover the cost before attempting to unlock the settlement.

Step 3: Complete Settlement-Specific Tasks:

  • Some settlements might require completing additional tasks beyond influence and investment.
  • These tasks could involve defeating specific enemies, acquiring certain resources, or completing special missions.
  • Refer to the settlement’s information panel for details on these tasks.

Step 4: Claim the Settlement:

  • Once you meet all the requirements, visit the designated location for the settlement on the map.
  • Interact with the settlement marker to claim it as your own.

Additional Tips:

  • Explore the world and complete various activities to gain faction influence and POE efficiently.
  • Prioritize settlements offering resources you need for your ship upgrades or crafting preferences.
  • Consider collaborating with other players to tackle challenging tasks or share resources.


  • Information about unconfirmed resources like Wyrm’s Breath might be speculative and not yet officially confirmed. Focus on resources confirmed in the game for reliable information.
  • Always refer to official sources like the Skull and Bones website or developer updates for the latest information on gameplay mechanics and content.

I hope this information helps you unlock resource settlements in Skull and Bones!

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