Skull and Bones Large Ships

There are currently no large ships available in Skull and Bones at the full release. This information is based on various sources including the official website, community discussions, and news articles.

While some players were hoping for the inclusion of larger ships, the developers have focused on smaller, more maneuverable vessels for the launch of the game.

Here are some of the reasons why there might not be large ships in Skull and Bones:

  • Focus on Naval Combat: The game’s core gameplay mechanics might be better suited for faster-paced and more strategic battles between smaller ships.
  • World Design: The open world might be designed specifically for exploration and navigation with smaller ships in mind.
  • Balancing Challenges: Introducing large ships could potentially disrupt the game’s balance and require significant adjustments to various aspects of the gameplay.

However, the developers haven’t completely ruled out the possibility of adding larger ships in the future through updates or expansions. So, stay tuned for any official announcements!

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