Skull and Bones Campaign Length

Skull and Bones doesn’t have a traditional linear campaign with a set storyline and missions to complete. Instead, it focuses on open-world exploration and building your reputation as a pirate.

However, there are various contracts and quests you can undertake that offer different rewards and contribute to your overall progression. These contracts can range from simple resource gathering and delivery tasks to more complex and time-consuming ones involving rival factions and kingpins.

The amount of time you spend playing Skull and Bones will depend on your playstyle and how much you want to achieve. According to, the average time to complete the main story contracts is around 29.5 hours, while completing the main story and side quests can take up to 41 hours. If you’re a completionist aiming to do everything the game offers, it can take around 38 hours on average.

It’s important to note that these are just average times, and your actual playtime may vary depending on your skill level, how efficiently you play, and whether you choose to play solo or with friends.

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