PoE Toward the Future Quest

Toward the Future Quest

Toward the Future
Act: 10
It's time to sail away from Oriath. Talk to Lilly Roth to travel to the Epilogue.


1Sail away from Oriath
It's time to sail away from Oriath. Talk to Lilly Roth to travel to the Epilogue.
  • Talk to Lilly Roth and sail away from Oriath

  • Area: Oriath Docks
  • Alva, Master Explorer Kirac: He's got quite a commanding presence. He makes me almost believe we can actually defend Wraeclast from the horrors of the Atlas, and beyond. Thankfully, I don't have to worry about the future. All my work is focussed on the past!
  • Alva, Master Explorer Kirac: He's got quite a commanding presence. He makes me almost believe we can actually defend Wraeclast from the horrors of the Atlas, and beyond. Thankfully, I don't have to worry about the future. All my work is focussed on the past!
  • Divinia Kitava's Defeat: I knew everything would turn out alright! I had faith in you the entire time.
  • Einhar, Beastmaster Kirac: Einhar is happy to hunt. Kirac asked me to do other things, but then I went hunting, and forgot all about it! Hunting beasts requires too much concentration. Now he only asks Einhar to hunt, so I love Kirac!
  • Einhar, Beastmaster The Atlas: Einhar loves new hunting grounds! These ones go on forever in every direction! A feast of beasts, one for every net I bring! Though you must be wary, Exile, for the meat... it does not taste like it should...
  • Innocence Exile: You have heard my admission of guilt and my plea for forgiveness, yet I sense in the glowing embers of your eyes that you will be glad to be rid of me. I don't blame you, mortal, nor do I begrudge you for your continual anger. The sins I've committed, although bad enough, are made worse by the lens of pride I once viewed this world through.

    I agree with your judgement, and though I wish never to return from my banishment, I have made a promise to Sin that I shall one day rejoin this world.

    But until that day I will remain in the furthest south, in a place of ice and ash, of blistering seas and abysmal storms. I shall meditate on my wrong doings, until a way of making amends to the millions of lives I have murdered and ruined, reveals itself to me.
  • Kahuturoa Kitava's Defeat: You defeated Kitava, did you? Which one is that again? The Hungry God? No, the God of Hunger, right? There are so many Karui tribes, and so many gods. We don't all share the same ones, either. There are tribes in Western Ngamakanui, beyond Ezomyr, with gods most of us are barely aware of. Those tribes are strange, and we don't go there.
  • Kahuturoa Oriath's Destruction: Oriath {did} become a dominant power, and then {it got destroyed too?!} Wraeclast is a disaster! Who's even left? The Maraketh? At the very least, the lush rivers and forests of that verdant region will still carry on some form of beauty in Wraeclast!
  • Kaom Kitava's Defeat: I did hear that you 'defeated' Kitava. You should be aware that he was nothing more than a hungry blind child, propped up and fed by Utula's tribe. How exactly did you fear he would consume the whole world when he could hardly move from his cathedral cradle? Your great victory, 'Godslayer,' is nothing to brag about. We have not needed our gods to be personally present for thousands of years, and we will not be diminished by their loss. We have our own strength.
  • Lani Kitava: By the light of Ramako, you did it! You, a mortal, have crossed the threshold between god and man and struck the ravenous one asunder!

    I'd always held out hope that you would succeed, but at night, I would stay awake worrying that perhaps that hope was a foolish dream, but you've done it! You are no longer an Exile, my friend. I honour you, and I'm certain the rest of the world will honour you as well.

    Please, I was saving this for something special, it's not much, but it's yours.
  • Lani Kitava: By the light of Ramako, you did it! You, a mortal, have crossed the threshold between god and man and struck the ravenous one asunder!

    I'd always held out hope that you would succeed, but at night, I would stay awake worrying that perhaps that hope was a foolish dream, but you've done it! You are no longer an Exile, my friend. I honour you, and I'm certain the rest of the world will honour you as well.

    Please, I was saving this for something special, it's not much, but it's yours.
  • Lilly Roth Kitava: By the high seas, you actually did it! You won a duel for the ages against Kitava himself! Sailors will be singing shanties about your victory for generations to come.

    But if I've learned anything from you, Duelist: it's best to leave them wanting more. Let's find you a flagon of ale and a fresh start. Leave the rebuilding to those better suited than scoundrels like us.
  • Lilly Roth Kitava: A sombre day, when a man has slain his own gods. Tukohama, adored, Kitava, hated, but both Karui gods all the same. You've had quite the journey, and waged quite the war.

    Whaddya say, Marauder? After all this, is it finally time to go home? We can set sail for your Archipelago the moment you give the word. We'll check in on these fine folk after they've had some time to figure things out.
  • Lilly Roth Kitava: It's funny, Ranger, that you had to fight across all of Wraeclast and Oriath to win the right to finally be left alone. I could do with some peace and quiet myself. Let's just you and me sail on out of here before they put us to work rebuilding. We can always visit once they're done.

    How's that sound? Just say the word, and we'll set sail.
  • Lilly Roth Kitava: The world's saved then, it seems. I never doubted you, Scion. But what will you do now? Somehow, I think a woman like you thrives on a challenge. There's a whole world out there, and you can go anywhere, do anything. Me and this old ship of mine'll take you. Least I can do, what for saving our lives and all.

    Say the word, and we'll set sail towards the future.
  • Lilly Roth Kitava: You look as though you've seen more bloodshed than you'd care to admit. Maybe it's time for you to step out of the darkness and do some honest pirating and pillaging for a change.

    Whaddya say, Shadow? We can check back in on these fine upstanding folk when they've sorted their business.
  • Lilly Roth Kitava: So, Templar, you've defeated Kitava and saved the good people of Oriath and Wraeclast, but at what cost? I heard that god of yours is going into self-imposed exile in the frozen south. Helping you sail around searching for Innocence sounds more like penance than fun, but it's the least I can do.

    We're not going to find him, mind you. But it's all about the journey with you folk, not the destination, inninit? We'll give it a year, then come back and see how these proper citizens are doing. Just say the word, and we'll set sail.
  • Lilly Roth Kitava: You won the day, but you look more than frazzled, Witch. Might be time to bury your head in some forbidden occult books for a while... or whatever it is you do for fun. I know folks like us aren't suited to rebuilding efforts and honest work.

    Just say the word, and we'll sail on out of here.
  • Navali Kitava: We did not despise Kitava. He was a blind child, cursed with endless hunger, and he knew no better. Hinekora foresaw his fall, and we mourned his passing long ago. Hinekora made no move to prevent these events, for they had to happen so that the future could be guided down a certain path. As she spoke while in a painful trance, for Wraeclast to survive, Kitava's grin must be bared to the bone...
  • Niko, Master of the Depths Kirac: Kirac's a good egg, don't get me wrong. I just think it's mighty suspicious... nope, nope. I'm here because I want to help out. I have to remember that, heh. I have bad thoughts sometimes. I can usually tell the difference between the voices and my own thoughts, but spending time in the Atlas makes everything feel surreal. All I know is, there are good people here, and I want to do my part. Kirac's been kind to me.
  • Niko, Master of the Depths Kirac: Kirac's a good egg, don't get me wrong. I just think it's mighty suspicious... nope, nope. I'm here because I want to help out. I have to remember that, heh. I have bad thoughts sometimes. I can usually tell the difference between the voices and my own thoughts, but spending time in the Atlas makes everything feel surreal. All I know is, there are good people here, and I want to do my part. Kirac's been kind to me.
  • Niko, Master of the Depths Kirac: Have you ever noticed Kirac doesn't go into the Atlas himself anymore? He's more than happy to send us all into danger from the safety of his base. He never leaves it, in fact. Have you seen the explosives lining the place? I bet he's planning something. He bloody well might just blow us all up if we refuse to do his bidding, ohoho! Hush, hush, he might hear us... can't let him know we're onto him... just keep acting like everything's normal, right? Everything's normal, Exile...
  • Niko, Master of the Depths Kirac: Have you ever noticed Kirac doesn't go into the Atlas himself anymore? He's more than happy to send us all into danger from the safety of his base. He never leaves it, in fact. Have you seen the explosives lining the place? I bet he's planning something. He bloody well might just blow us all up if we refuse to do his bidding, ohoho! Hush, hush, he might hear us... can't let him know we're onto him... just keep acting like everything's normal, right? Everything's normal, Exile...
  • Sin Innocence: Sin: Innocence, you see now, don't you?

    Innocence: Little brother... Please, forgive me. It's as if I have been dreaming the most horrid nightmare... and now, at last, the haze of sleep lifts from my eyes. My vision is clear... oh, by the gods, forgive me...

    Sin: It is as true now as it was when we began. You and I are of the same flesh, cleaved from the same womb. You ask for my forgiveness. I give it to you freely.

    Innocence: But the things I've done... the countless millions I've murdered...

    Sin: There will be time for all of that later, but for now, your people need you. Oriath needs you...

    Innocence: ...No. I cannot remain here amongst these ruins. Amongst the corpses of my own making... These people, they need you, brother, and your hero - not me.

    Sin: Then what? Where will you go? What will you do?

    Innocence: Isolation. I shall go south. As far south as one can travel in such a fleshly form. There are things I must think on, a redemption I need plan, if my conscience decides I am worthy of such a gift.

    Sin: You would seek forgiveness in the ice at the bottom of the world?

    Innocence: I would, should you let me.

    Sin: Go. Seek out that which you need. Find who you are, make pilgrimage. Journey on your path, brother, only return to us one day.

    Innocence: Thank you, brother.
  • Innocence Sin: Sin: Innocence, you see now, don't you?

    Innocence: Little brother... Please, forgive me. It's as if I have been dreaming the most horrid nightmare... and now, at last, the haze of sleep lifts from my eyes. My vision is clear... oh, by the gods, forgive me...

    Sin: It is as true now as it was when we began. You and I are of the same flesh, cleaved from the same womb. You ask for my forgiveness. I give it to you freely.

    Innocence: But the things I've done... the countless millions I've murdered...

    Sin: There will be time for all of that later, but for now, your people need you. Oriath needs you...

    Innocence: ...No. I cannot remain here amongst these ruins. Amongst the corpses of my own making... These people, they need you, brother, and your hero - not me.

    Sin: Then what? Where will you go? What will you do?

    Innocence: Isolation. I shall go south. As far south as one can travel in such a fleshly form. There are things I must think on, a redemption I need plan, if my conscience decides I am worthy of such a gift.

    Sin: You would seek forgiveness in the ice at the bottom of the world?

    Innocence: I would, should you let me.

    Sin: Go. Seek out that which you need. Find who you are, make pilgrimage. Journey on your path, brother, only return to us one day.

    Innocence: Thank you, brother.
  • Tane Octavius Greater Samples: Though there is much left to discover from the dwellers of Wraeclast and Oriath, I wish to test my hypothesis that the darkness is not simply a property of where we live.

    I've heard rumour that there may be a way to experience... other places. I am no expert in such matters, but if you plan on such a journey, I would ask that you continue to seek out suitable samples. And if you find some which possess the darkness in great quantities, well all the better.

    Without this lab, I'd be wary about releasing such entities into the wild. Here, they can be contained, if not controlled.
  • Tane Octavius Tane's Laboratory: Welcome, Exile. This manor, and the contents within it, once belonged to Master Lucan. It was here, in this laboratory, that he met his fate, and I met mine.

    It seems that in the wake of Kitava's rise, the rest of his family fared no better. Forgive me if I do not grieve for the family's fate. Our relationship was... complicated.

    If there is a silver lining to be found from Kitava's destruction of Oriath, it is that with access to this lab, we may be somewhat more ambitious with our tests.
  • Tane Octavius Oriath: Oriath is uninhabitable. Got what was coming to it, if you ask me. Do I feel for the dead? Of course. I am no monster. But sorrow and spite can coexist. Luckily for us, we do not need to live in Oriath, only work, and my underground laboratory is virtually unscathed.
  • Tane Octavius Oriath: Oriath is uninhabitable. Got what was coming to it, if you ask me. Do I feel for the dead? Of course. I am no monster. But sorrow and spite can coexist. Luckily for us, we do not need to live in Oriath, only work, and my underground laboratory is virtually unscathed.
  • Weylam Roth Kitava: Thank the sea! That bloody sod is gone from our world! Can't tell ya how many times I've heard them Karui savages gibbering in fear over that cannibal god.

    And of course, there's ah... all of this horror to account for as well. Aye, don't think there's a man, woman or child in the world that won't be praising yer name tonight over a glass of their finest grog.

    Speaking of which, where's a man to go to find a little fire water around these parts?
  • 2
    Quest Complete - You sailed away from Oriath with Lilly Roth after defeating Kitava.

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