PoE Sentinel Tree

List of PoE Sentinel Tree

# Description Points
1 sentinel drone 3 unlocked [1] 3
2 sentinel drone 1 unlocked [1] 3
3 sentinel drone 2 unlocked [1] 3
4 Apex Sentinels Sap Enemies for 5 Seconds with maximum effect on Empowering them 1
5 Apex Sentinels have 25% increased Duration 1
6 Sentinels have 15% increased Duration 1
7 Sentinels have 10% increased Duration 1
8 Sentinels have 15% increased Cast Speed 1
9 Pandemonium Sentinels have 25% increased Duration 1
10 Pandemonium Sentinels restore all of the Character’s Flask Charges on Deployment
Pandemonium Sentinels grant maximum Vaal Souls to one of the Character’s Vaal Skills on Deployment
11 Apex Sentinels have 10% chance to not consume Charge on use 1
12 Apex Sentinels have 25% increased Cast Speed 1
13 Empowered Monsters grant 30% increased Sentinel Power 1
14 Stalker Sentinels have 25% increased Cast Speed 1
15 Stalker Sentinel Beams Chain an additional time 1
16 Sentinels have 15% chance to not consume Charge on use 1
17 Pandemonium Sentinels fire an additional Beam
Pandemonium Sentinel Beams Chain +2 times
18 Apex Sentinels can be re-deployed after being dismissed 1
19 Apex Sentinels can Empower an additional Enemy 1
20 Stalker Sentinels have 10% chance to duplicate non-unique Enemies when they are Empowered 1
21 Stalker Sentinels fire an additional Beam 1
22 Pandemonium Sentinels have 25% increased Cast Speed 1
23 Pandemonium Sentinels have 20% increased Chaining range 1
24 Stalker Sentinels have 10% increased chance to add Rewards 1
25 Stalker Sentinels have 10% chance to not consume Charge on use 1
26 15% increased number of Enemies Empowered by Stalker Sentinels 1
27 10% increased number of Enemies Empowered by Pandemonium Sentinels 1
28 15% increased number of Enemies Empowered by Pandemonium Sentinels 1
29 Apex Sentinels do not Empower Rare rarity enemies
Apex Sentinels grant 30% increased Rewards
30 Apex Sentinels have 10% increased Empowerment 1
31 Stalker Sentinels do not Empower Normal rarity enemies 2
32 10% chance for found Power Cores to be Duplicated 1
33 Found Normal-rarity Sentinels are upgraded to Magic rarity 1
34 8% chance for found Sentinels to be Duplicated 1
35 Pandemonium Sentinels have 10% chance to not consume Charge on use 1
36 Pandemonium Sentinels spawn packs of Monsters on Deployment 1
37 Sentinels have 10% increased Empowerment 1
38 20% chance for found Power Cores to be Duplicated 1
39 Pandemonium Sentinels can be Deployed an additional time each area 2
40 Enemies Empowered by Apex Sentinels have 20% chance for Rewards to be doubled
Enemies Empowered by Apex Sentinels have Onslaught
41 Enemies Empowered by Apex Sentinels have 10% chance for Rewards to be doubled
Enemies Empowered by Apex Sentinels have +10% to all Resistances
42 Sentinels have 20% increased Empowerment 1
43 Rewards are more likely to be less common types 2
44 Rewards are 15% more likely to be Sentinel Rewards 1
45 Rewards are 30% more likely to be Sentinel Rewards 1

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