FFXIV Learners’ Meet Painting

Learners’ Meet Painting

A painting of Learners’ Meet based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.

Icon Name Vista # Location Emote
Learners’ Meet 007 Old Sharlayan (Zone) – The StudiumLearners’ Meet (X3.3-Y9)
  • Material type: Painting
  • Rarity: Basic
  • Cost: 1,000 Gil
  • Sells to vendors for Gil: 30
  • Patch: 6.1
Learners' Meet Painting

How to get Learners’ Meet Painting?

Joyous Painter is a Hyur found in Idyllshire. You can purchase this item from him.

Vendor Location / Coordinates Cost
Joyous Painter
Purchase Paintings (The Northern Empty)
Idyllshire (4.5, 6.4) 1,000x Gil

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Sightseeing Log: Learners’ Meet

Impression: As I soaked in all that Old Sharlayan had to offer, I found my gaze drawn in one particular direction. Entranced, I reached for my quill and parchment…

Description: This public lecture hall in Phenomenon is open to Studium pupils and Sharlayan citizens alike. When prominent professors are scheduled to take the lectern, crowds of aspiring academics and established scholars often fill the room to capacity.

Sightseeing Log: Learners' Meet

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