PoE How To Use Eldritch Exalted Orb

The Eldritch Exalted Orb is a powerful crafting tool in Path of Exile, allowing you to add a new modifier to an item with an existing Eldritch Implicit. However, utilizing it effectively requires understanding its specific mechanics and interactions. Here’s a comprehensive guide to wielding this exalted orb:

1. Understanding the Basics:

  • Adds a Modifier: This orb adds either a Prefix or a Suffix modifier to the item, depending on the Dominant Tier of the existing Eldritch Implicit.
  • Dominant Tier Matters: If the Exarch‘s tier is higher, it adds a Prefix. If the Eater‘s tier is higher, it adds a Suffix.
  • Eligible Items: You can use it on rare body armor, gloves, boots, and helmets that already have an Eldritch Implicit.

2. Choosing the Right Item:

  • High-quality Eldritch Implicit: Select an item with a valuable existing Eldritch Implicit that synergizes well with the potential new modifier.
  • Empty Slots: Prioritize items with available Prefix or Suffix slots, depending on the expected Dominance, to increase the chance of adding a desirable modifier.
  • Crafting Basis: Consider starting with a well-rolled but incomplete rare base to maximize the value added by the Eldritch Exalted Orb.

3. Utilizing Support Currency:

  • Eldritch Chaos Orb: Use this beforehand to reroll the Prefixes and Suffixes while retaining the desired Eldritch Implicit, potentially creating a cleaner slate for the Exalted Orb.
  • Eldritch Orb of Annulment: If you land an undesired modifier with the Exalted Orb, consider annulling it to try again, but remember this destroys a random modifier, not necessarily the unwanted one.

4. Advanced Techniques:

  • Fractured Items: Combining Eldritch Exalted Orbs with Fractured items, which have specific modifiers locked in place, allows for targeted crafting and powerful combinations.
  • Vaal Orb Corruption: While risky, using a Vaal Orb on the Eldritch Exalted Orb has a chance to grant additional effects or transform it into a more potent version.

5. Remember:

  • Eldritch Exalted Orbs are expensive, so use them cautiously and only on well-prepared items.
  • The outcome is probabilistic, so expect some variance in results.
  • Research and planning are key! Understand potential modifier pools for the expected Dominance and choose items with good base stats and synergy between existing and possible future modifiers.

Bonus Tip: Utilize online resources like Path of Building and crafting calculators to simulate potential outcomes and plan your Eldritch Exalted Orb usage effectively. You can also consult Path of Exile communities and forums for guidance and inspiration from experienced players.

With careful preparation and a bit of luck, the Eldritch Exalted Orb can elevate your Path of Exile gear to new heights. Happy crafting!

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