PoE How To Use Cluster Jewels

Unlocking the Power of Cluster Jewels in Path of Exile:

Understanding Cluster Jewels:

  • Expanding the Passive Tree: These jewels create new clusters of nodes, extending your character customization options.
  • Socketing: They fit into dedicated jewel sockets on the outermost rim of the passive tree.
  • Types and Sizes: Cluster Jewels come in three sizes: Small, Medium, and Large, each offering a different scale of node clusters.

How to Use Them:

  1. Acquisition: Obtain Cluster Jewels through drops, trading, or crafting.
  2. Socketing: Place a Cluster Jewel into an available jewel socket on the passive tree.
  3. New Cluster Revealed: A cluster of small passive nodes will emerge, accessible for allocation.
  4. Notable Skills: Cluster Jewels often contain unique notable skills, offering powerful bonuses or build-defining effects.
  5. Jewel Socket Sockets: Medium and Large Cluster Jewels can have jewel sockets themselves, allowing you to nest smaller Cluster Jewels within them for even more customization.

Strategies and Tips:

  • Plan Your Build: Carefully consider which Cluster Jewels and notable skills best complement your character’s strengths and playstyle.
  • Prioritize Notables: Focus on acquiring Cluster Jewels with the specific notable skills you need, as those are often the most impactful aspects.
  • Crafting: Use Orbs of Alteration and Orbs of Augmentation to reroll Cluster Jewels, aiming for desirable notables and affixes.
  • Small Cluster Jewels: These are often used to stack specific bonuses (like life, crit, or jewels sockets) for efficient specialization.
  • Medium Cluster Jewels: Provide a balance of notables and jewel sockets, offering flexibility in build choices.
  • Large Cluster Jewels: Offer the most powerful notables but have fewer jewel sockets, serving as cornerstones for specific build archetypes.

Additional Resources:

  • Path of Building: Experiment with different Cluster Jewel setups and visualize their impact on your character’s stats.
  • PoE Wiki Cluster Jewel page: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Cluster_jewel
  • Community Build Guides: Learn from experienced players who have successfully integrated Cluster Jewels into their builds.

Remember: Cluster Jewels offer extensive customization options, but careful planning and understanding are crucial to maximize their effectiveness. Experiment, explore different combinations, and unleash the full potential of your character’s build!

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