PoE Expedition Currency

1. PoE Expedition Currency

During an Expedition encounter, Runic Monsters and Excavated Chests have a chance to drop expedition currency that can be used to either purchase items, or refresh the vendor inventory of their corresponding NPC. Only the items used to refresh vendor inventory are tradable.

NPC/ Currency Gwennen Tujen Rog Dannig
Refresh Inventory Astragali Astragali Exotic Coinage Exotic Coinage Scrap Metal Scrap Metal Burial Medallion Burial Medallion
Tier 1 Lesser Broken Circle Artifact Lesser Broken Circle Artifact Lesser Black Scythe Artifact Lesser Black Scythe Artifact Lesser Order Artifact Lesser Order Artifact Lesser Sun Artifact Lesser Sun Artifact
Tier 2 Greater Broken Circle Artifact Greater Broken Circle Artifact Greater Black Scythe Artifact Greater Black Scythe Artifact Greater Order Artifact Greater Order Artifact Greater Sun Artifact Greater Sun Artifact
Tier 3 Grand Broken Circle Artifact Grand Broken Circle Artifact Grand Black Scythe Artifact Grand Black Scythe Artifact Grand Order Artifact Grand Order Artifact Grand Sun Artifact Grand Sun Artifact
Tier 4 Exceptional Broken Circle Artifact Exceptional Broken Circle Artifact Exceptional Black Scythe Artifact Exceptional Black Scythe Artifact Exceptional Order Artifact Exceptional Order Artifact Exceptional Sun Artifact Exceptional Sun Artifact

Expedition Logbook Expedition Logbook

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2. Gwennen Items

Currency Description Drop
Astragali Astragali Refresh Gwennen’s vendor inventory. 1 1 / 1000  
Lesser Broken Circle Artifact Lesser Broken Circle Artifact Can be used to trade with Gwennen. 1 1 / 50000 Purchase price: 1x Lesser Sun Artifact Lesser Sun Artifact
Greater Broken Circle Artifact Greater Broken Circle Artifact Can be used to trade with Gwennen. 1 1 / 50000 Purchase price: 1x Greater Sun Artifact Greater Sun Artifact
Grand Broken Circle Artifact Grand Broken Circle Artifact Can be used to trade with Gwennen. 10 1 / 25000 Purchase price: 1x Grand Sun Artifact Grand Sun Artifact
Exceptional Broken Circle Artifact Exceptional Broken Circle Artifact Can be used to trade with Gwennen. 25 1 / 5000 Purchase price: 1x Exceptional Sun Artifact Exceptional Sun Artifact

3. Tujen Items

Currency Description Drop
Exotic Coinage Exotic Coinage Refresh Tujen’s vendor inventory. 1 1 / 1000  
Lesser Black Scythe Artifact Lesser Black Scythe Artifact Can be used to trade with Tujen. 1 1 / 50000 Purchase price: 1x Lesser Sun Artifact Lesser Sun Artifact
Greater Black Scythe Artifact Greater Black Scythe Artifact Can be used to trade with Tujen. 1 1 / 50000 Purchase price: 1x Greater Sun Artifact Greater Sun Artifact
Grand Black Scythe Artifact Grand Black Scythe Artifact Can be used to trade with Tujen. 10 1 / 25000 Purchase price: 1x Grand Sun Artifact Grand Sun Artifact
Exceptional Black Scythe Artifact Exceptional Black Scythe Artifact Can be used to trade with Tujen. 25 1 / 5000 Purchase price: 1x Exceptional Sun Artifact Exceptional Sun Artifact

4. Rog Items

Currency Description Drop
Scrap Metal Scrap Metal Refresh Rog’s vendor inventory. 1 1 / 1000  
Lesser Order Artifact Lesser Order Artifact Can be used to trade with Rog. 1 1 / 50000 Purchase price: 1x Lesser Sun Artifact Lesser Sun Artifact
Greater Order Artifact Greater Order Artifact Can be used to trade with Rog. 1 1 / 50000 Purchase price: 1x Greater Sun Artifact Greater Sun Artifact
Grand Order Artifact Grand Order Artifact Can be used to trade with Rog. 10 1 / 25000 Purchase price: 1x Grand Sun Artifact Grand Sun Artifact
Exceptional Order Artifact Exceptional Order Artifact Can be used to trade with Rog. 25 1 / 5000 Purchase price: 1x Exceptional Sun Artifact Exceptional Sun Artifact

5. Dannig Items

Currency Description Drop
Burial Medallion Burial Medallion Refresh Dannig’s vendor inventory. 1 1 / 1000  
Lesser Sun Artifact Lesser Sun Artifact Can be used to trade with Dannig. 1 1 / 50000 Can be used to purchase:

Greater Sun Artifact Greater Sun Artifact Can be used to trade with Dannig. 1 1 / 50000 Can be used to purchase:

Grand Sun Artifact Grand Sun Artifact Can be used to trade with Dannig. 10 1 / 25000 Can be used to purchase:

Exceptional Sun Artifact Exceptional Sun Artifact Can be used to trade with Dannig. 25 1 / 5000 Can be used to purchase:

6. Expedition Logbook

During your Expeditions in Path of Exile: Expedition league, you may discover Logbooks. Expedition Logbook Expedition Logbook chronicles the locations that their ancestors visited in their exploration of Wraeclast. It is one of the best places to farm valuable items in the Expedition league.

Find a Logbook, craft its mods like a map, bring it to Dannig and choose a location for your next Expedition. These Expeditions are much larger than regular ones and harbour many mysteries to explore, if you dare.

Logbooks can be crafted and traded with other players.

During your Expeditions, you must be careful to manage your levels of risk and return. Signs located at the Expedition sites clearly mark out the most dangerous areas to excavate. Special monsters and remnants of past Kalguuran settlements are clearly marked and detonating them can make your Expeditions much more challenging.

Expedition Logbook PoE

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