PoE Colossal Conditionals 3.24 – Path of Exile Challenge

39. Colossal Conditionals(3) Necropolis 3.24

Defeat any three of the following Pinnacle Boss Encounters while the area is level 85 in the specified ways.

Here’s a breakdown of how to defeat three Pinnacle Bosses in Path of Exile at area level 85 with specific challenges:

1. The Shaper without being affected by the Shaper’s Beam (Level 85):

  • Key Strategy: Dodge the Beam.
  • Mechanics:
    • Look for the red beam targeting indicator on the ground.
    • Utilize movement skills (Flicker Strike, Leap Slam, Shield Charge) to dodge when you see the windup animation (raised arm and charging energy).
    • Strategically position yourself to predict the beam’s path based on previous locations.

2. The Uber Elder while affected by Vortex ground and Eldritch Decay (Level 85):

  • Challenge: Both DoTs hinder regeneration and deal damage over time.
  • Key Strategies:
    • High DPS: Defeat Uber Elder quickly to minimize DoT exposure.
    • Movement Skills: Dodge attacks while slowed by Vortex.
    • Life Regeneration and Flasks: Prioritize high life regeneration through gear or skills. Utilize instant recovery life flasks with “Basalt Flask” for additional physical damage reduction.
    • Pantheon Powers: Use “Soul of Shakari” for life recovery or “Soul of Gruthkul” for a chance to gain a fortify buff when hit (reduces physical damage).

3. Cortex without being hit by Wormhole Slam (Level 85):

  • Challenge: Avoid the devastating shockwave attack.
  • Key Strategies:
    • Movement Skills: Dodge the slam with Flicker Strike, Leap Slam, or Shield Charge when you see the windup animation (raised arm and portal).
    • Positioning: Stay near the arena’s edge or behind the Synthete Masterpiece during the windup.
    • Terrain Awareness: Utilize raised platforms in the center to potentially avoid the shockwave entirely.

General Tips:

  • Adapt your approach based on your character build (high DPS, movement speed, DoT focus).
  • Consider the current league mechanics that might affect these encounters. Refer to Path of Exile forums or online resources for specific details.
  • Practice the fights without the challenges first to learn attack patterns.

Here’s what to disregard from your original list:

  • The Maven: The fight doesn’t involve completing a Memory Game 5 times. It has memory phases, but they are not the main focus.

Remember, these encounters are challenging, and success might require multiple attempts with optimized gear and practice. Good luck!

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