PoE Betrayal Bargain

In Path of Exile’s Betrayal mechanic, "Bargain" is one of the encounter choices alongside "Execute" and "Interrogate" when interacting with Syndicate members. It offers unique possibilities depending on the situation:

When can you Bargain?

  • You can only Bargain with a single Syndicate member who is not part of a larger encounter.
  • If there are two members, choosing either Betray or Bargain depends on their disposition:
    • Friendly member: "Betray" becomes "Bargain."
    • Unfriendly member: "Bargain" is unavailable.
  • With three members, you execute one first, then the remaining two-member scenario applies.

What does Bargain offer?

  • Bargain presents various options, dependent on the specific member and their relationships within the Syndicate. These can include:
    • Promote: Move the member to a different division, potentially increasing their rank and rewards.
    • Swap Jobs: Change the member’s specialty within their current division.
    • Befriend another member: Improve the relationship between two Syndicators, which can unlock new rewards or alter future encounters.
    • Gain Intelligence: Discover information about the location of another Syndicate member or safehouse.
    • NPC Leaves: Release the member from the Syndicate altogether, sometimes with a reward.
    • Destroy all items in Division: Temporarily remove all equipment from members in the target division, making them easier to kill in their safehouse.
    • Remove all Rivalries: Eliminate all rivalries between members in the Syndicate, potentially improving overall stability.
    • Drop Unique Item: The member offers a unique item specific to their role.
    • Drop Currency Items: Receive a random assortment of valuable currency.
    • Drop additional rare item with Veiled Mod: Acquire a rare item with a hidden mod that can be unveiled for powerful effects.
    • Drop a Map: Obtain a map related to the member’s specialization.
    • Drop a Scarab: Get a Scarab for use in the Atlas of Worlds.

Choosing wisely:

The best Bargain option depends on your goals and the current Syndicate situation. Consider factors like:

  • Desired rewards: Does the member offer valuable equipment, information, or long-term benefits?
  • Syndicate structure: Moving members can optimize certain divisions or disrupt rivalries.
  • Future encounters: Befriending or promoting can unlock unique interactions later.
  • Personal preference: Do you prioritize immediate rewards, strategic manipulation, or weakening adversaries?

Remember, Bargain offers flexibility and strategic depth in shaping the Syndicate to your advantage. Experiment, analyze, and adapt your choices to become a master manipulator of Path of Exile’s criminal underworld!

Is there anything specific you’d like to know about Bargain or Betrayal in general? I’m happy to delve deeper into any aspect that piques your interest.

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