PoE Awakened Gems Quality

1. The max quality of PoE Awakened Gems

The normal quality of PoE Awakened Gems is 20%. The max quality is 23%. You can see from the following example.

PoE Awakened Gems Quality

PoE Awakened Gems have not alternate quality.

2. How to reach 23% quality?

Vaal Orb Vaal Orb corruption works the same as for regular support gems, sometimes adding or removing a level or up to 10 quality. Quality is hardcapped at 23%.

The effects of Vaal Orb Vaal Orb on PoE Awakened Gems:

  • No effect (other than adding the corrupted property).
  • Add or subtract one level. Max level gems can exceed their normal maximum this way. A corrupted gem at the normal maximum will not continue to gain experience.
  • Add or subtract 1-20 quality. Gems can have up to 23% quality this way.

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