Palworld Farming Pals List

Here’s a list of some of the best farming Pals in Palworld, categorized by their primary farming output:


  • Lamball: This adorable sheep-like Pal provides a steady supply of wool, which is essential for crafting clothing and bedding. They also drop milk occasionally.
  • Woolipop: This fluffy ball of wool produces even more wool than Lamball, and can also be sheared for fabric scraps.


  • Chikipi: A classic choice for poultry farmers, Chikipi consistently lay eggs, making them a valuable source of food and crafting materials.
  • Rooby: This rooster-like Pal not only lays eggs, but also has a chance to drop feathers, which can be used for crafting various items.


  • Mozzarina: This friendly cow is your go-to Pal for milk, which is used in cooking, crafting, and even as a base for some medicines.
  • Melpaca: This fluffy friend provides both milk and wool, making it a versatile addition to any farm.


  • Beegarde: This industrious swarm of bees produces a constant stream of honey, a valuable sweetener and crafting ingredient. They also occasionally drop bee stingers, which can be used to make potions.
  • Sweepa: This bee-like Pal produces honey and royal jelly, the latter being a rare ingredient used in high-level crafting and cooking.


  • Tanzee: This versatile Pal drops a variety of fruits and vegetables, depending on the season. It also has a chance to drop seeds, allowing you to expand your crop options.
  • Eikthyrdeer Terra: This majestic deer provides a regular supply of berries and fruits, along with the occasional antler fragment, which can be used for crafting.

Other Resources:

  • Lifmunk: This helpful creature gathers a variety of resources, including medicinal herbswood, and even the occasional gemstone.
  • Foxparks: This fiery friend gathers kindling, which is essential for keeping your base warm and your forge running.

Tip: Remember that breeding Pals with compatible stats and abilities can lead to offspring with enhanced yields, so experiment and find the perfect farming team for your needs!

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