Palworld Anubis Breeding

breeding is a great way to acquire powerful Pals like Anubis earlier in the game. Here’s a detailed guide on breeding Anubis in Palworld:

Method 1: Penking and Bushi

  1. Capture: You’ll need one male Penking and one female Bushi or vice versa. Both are fairly common Pals found in the wild, with Penking residing in grasslands and Bushi in volcanic areas.
  2. Breeding Farm: Build a Breeding Farm in your base after reaching level 19. It requires 100 wood, 20 stone, and 50 fiber.
  3. Egg Incubator: Craft an Egg Incubator using 10 Palladium fragments, 5 cloth, 30 stone, and 2 Ancient Civilization Parts (obtained from defeating boss Pals).
  4. Cake: Bake a cake in your cooking pot using 2 wheat flours, 1 sugar, and 1 egg.
  5. Breeding: Place the Penking and Bushi in the Breeding Farm and provide the cake. They will begin breeding after a short interaction.
  6. Egg Care: Collect the resulting egg and place it in the Egg Incubator. The incubation time is around 24 hours.
  7. Hatching: The egg will hatch into an Anubis cub!

Method 2: Alternative Combinations

While Penking and Bushi are the guaranteed parents, other combinations can also yield Anubis, albeit with lower chances:

  • Relaxaurus + Suzaku: Slightly lower chance compared to Penking and Bushi.
  • Foxcicle + Vanyrm: Requires rarer Pals but offers a chance for Vanwyrm Cryst as well.
  • Helzephyr + Shadowbeak: Can also result in Cryolinx in addition to a small chance of Anubis.

Additional Tips:

  • Temperature Control: Anubis eggs prefer warm temperatures. If your base is in a cold region, consider crafting an Electric Heater to ensure faster hatching.
  • Stat Inheritance: Both parents have a chance to pass down their traits and skills to the offspring. Choose parents with desirable stats for a stronger Anubis.
  • Multiple Attempts: Breeding is not guaranteed to produce the desired Pal every time. Be prepared for some trial and error, especially with alternative combinations.

I hope this information helps you breed your very own Anubis in Palworld!

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