Palworld Admin Commands

Command Description
/Shutdown {Seconds} {MessageText} Gracefully shuts down server with an optional timer and/or message to notify players in your server.
/DoExit Forcefully shuts down the server immediately. It is not recommended to use this option unless you’ve got a technical problem or are okay with potentially losing data.
/Broadcast {MessageText} Broadcasts a message to all players in the server.
/KickPlayer {PlayerUID or SteamID} Kicks player from the server. Useful for getting a player’s attention with moderation.
/BanPlayer {PlayerUID or SteamID} Bans player from the server. The Player will not be able to rejoin the server until they are unbanned.
/TeleportToPlayer {PlayerUID or SteamID} INGAME ONLY Immediately teleport to the target player
/TeleportToMe {PlayerUID or SteamID} INGAME ONLY Immediately teleports target player to you.
/ShowPlayers Shows information on all connected players
/Info Shows server information
/Save Save the world data to disk. Useful to ensure your Pal, player, and other data is saved before stopping the server or performing a risky gameplay option.

Player Management:

  • /BanPlayer{SteamID}: Permanently bans a player from the server, preventing them from rejoining. Use with caution and only for serious violations of server rules.
  • /KickPlayer{SteamID}: Temporarily removes a player from the server, but they can rejoin later. Use for minor infractions or to temporarily resolve conflicts.
  • /ShowPlayers: Provides a list of players currently on the server, helping you track activity and identify potential issues.
  • /TeleportToMe{SteamID}: Brings a specific player to your current location. Use for grouping players for activities or resolving issues that require direct interaction.
  • /TeleportToPlayer{SteamID}: Teleports you to a specific player’s location. Use for troubleshooting, observing player behavior, or providing assistance.

Server Management:

  • /Broadcast{Message}: Sends a message to all players on the server, useful for announcements, updates, or events.
  • /DoExit: Immediately shuts down the server, potentially ending player sessions without warning. Use only when necessary for maintenance or emergencies.
  • /Info: Displays basic information about the server, such as its name, version, and player count.
  • /Save: Forces the server to save its current state, preserving progress and preventing data loss. Use regularly to ensure data integrity.
  • /ShutDown{Seconds}{Message}: Sets a timer for the server to shut down, with an optional message to inform players in advance. Use for planned maintenance or to gracefully end play sessions.

Ethical Considerations:

  • Responsible Use: Admin commands grant significant power and should be used with care to maintain a fair and enjoyable experience for all players.
  • Transparency: Communicate server rules and the potential use of admin commands clearly to players to avoid misunderstandings or conflicts.
  • Avoid Abuse: Admin commands should not be used for personal gain, to harass players, or to disrupt gameplay without valid reasons.
  • Community Engagement: Involve players in discussions about server rules and the use of admin commands to foster a sense of trust and collaboration.
  • Player Feedback: Be open to feedback from players about their experiences and potential concerns regarding admin commands.

Remember that responsible and ethical use of admin commands is crucial for maintaining a positive and engaging community within your Palworld server.

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