Oro's Sacrifice Infernal Sword - Path of Exile

Oro's Sacrifice Infernal Sword

Oro's Sacrifice

Oro's Sacrifice is a unique Infernal Sword. Two Hand Swords. Physical Damage: 62-129. Critical Strike Chance: 5%. Attacks per Second: 1.35. Weapon Range: 13.

Requires Level 67, 113 Str, 113 Dex.

  • 30% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills

  • No Physical Damage
  • Adds (425–475) to (550–600) Fire Damage
  • (10–15)% increased Attack Speed
  • 20% chance to Ignite
  • 10% increased Physical Damage taken
  • 10% increased Fire Damage taken
  • Culling Strike against Burning Enemies
  • Gain a Frenzy Charge if an Attack Ignites an Enemy
  • (Ignite deals Fire Damage over time, based on the base Fire Damage of the Skill, for 4 seconds)
  • (Culling Strike means enemies that are on 10% or lower life after your Hit are Killed)

Flavour Text: Give yourself to the flames and your name will burn in the minds of men forever.

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Gain a Frenzy Charge if an Attack Ignites an Enemy will cause you to gain a frenzy charge whenever your attacks ignite an enemy, even if the enemy is already burning. Note that the damage of the new ignite will still not stack with the old one as per the normal ignite rules, unless you're wearing Emberwake.

Item acquisition

Oro's Sacrifice can drop anywhere. It can be chanced.


Oro's Sacrifice can be created from the following recipes:

Amount Part Description
4 The Gentleman Random corrupted sword
4 Atziri's Arsenal Random corrupted weapon
7 Prejudice Random influenced item
6 Costly Curio Random double-influenced item
8 Arrogance of the Vaal Random two-implicit corrupted item
4 Jack in the Box Random item
1 Singular Incubator Random item
1 The Void Random divination card set exchange

Supporter attribution

Oro's Sacrifice was created by supporter Oroboro.