MW3 Aftermarket Parts Not Showing Up

Ah, the good old hunt for those elusive MW3 Aftermarket parts! I understand your frustration if they’re not showing up despite your hard-earned unlocks. Let’s try to narrow down the cause:

1. Confirmed Unlock?:

  • Double-check that you’ve met all the unlock requirements for the specific part. Each one has unique criteria, like reaching a certain weapon level or completing challenges.
  • Did you unlock it through Weekly Challenges? Those are no longer available with the official servers offline, so alternative methods might be necessary.

2. Filtering Issue?:

  • Sometimes, filters in the Armory can hide unlocked parts. Make sure none are applied under "Level Requirement" or "DLC."

3. Visual Glitch?:

  • A classic MW3 quirk! Try restarting your game or console to see if the part pops up.

4. Modded Game?:

  • If you’re playing a modded version of MW3, mods might interfere with unlocks. Consider switching to the vanilla version.

5. Bug?

  • There were known bugs with Aftermarket unlocks back in the day. While less likely now, it’s still a possibility.

Extra Tips:

  • Clear your game cache.
  • Use a different controller or keyboard.
  • Check online resources or forums for specific community-developed solutions for offline unlocking.

Remember, since official servers are down, some parts might be permanently inaccessible. But don’t lose hope! Exploring community workarounds and enjoying the base game can still be rewarding.

If you provide more details about the specific part you’re trying to unlock and your platform, I might be able to offer more targeted troubleshooting steps.

Let’s crack this mystery together!

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