PoE Cultivated Cultural Customs

Cultivated Cultural Customs

Complete each of the following encounters.

  • Win a match in the Trial of the Ancestors. To access the Halls of the Dead, the player must use a Silver Coin Silver Coin from town or hideout, or enter using the waypoint. The player needs to click the Well of Passing to cross over into the afterlife. Banish all of your opponents Ancestral Totems to win the match.
  • Spend Favour to recruit a Karui Warrior. When you compete in tournaments, you’ll accumulate favour with each of the tribes. This can be spent on recruiting warriors and purchasing field items and equipment to power up your team.
  • Banish enemy Ancestral Totems (0/5). Fight alongside your selected warriors to defeat the enemy chieftain and warriors, and banish their totems to prevent them from repawning. Players have to channel near a totem to banish it and cannot deal damage to it directly. Being hit while banishing a totem interrupts actions and prevents all actions for a duration.
  • Banish a Chieftain Ancestral Totem. The fallen chieftains of each Karui tribe participate in a tournament called the Trial of the Ancestors. You will journey to their Afterlife to compete against these tribes by assembling your own team of Karui warriors. You’ll battle their chieftains in the tournament to earn valuable rewards.

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