Ashen Fate — Lost Ark

Ashen Fate

Ashen Fate is a quest found in Lost Ark. Level: 1.

Location Required Quest Start NPC In-game Description
Zone: Wailing Swamp
  • Those Buried in the Dark Ground
Kaldor Karta, the Ark of Devotion, left Feiton after Zaika’s death.
A short time later, the Chaos Gate opened and a Dark Energy, stronger than had ever been seen before, began to gather around Feiton.


  1. Check Chaos Gate Report
  2. Talk to Kaldor
  3. – Kaldor
  4. Talk to Beatrice
  5. – Beatrice
    Wailing Swamp
  6. Examine the Chaos Gate signs
  7. Talk to Kharmine
  8. – Kharmine


  • 20,740 x XP
  • 100 x Rift Piece

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