Last Epoch Blessing Slots

In Last Epoch, blessings are not directly tied to specific "slots" on your character sheet. Instead, the system works differently:

Understanding Blessings:

  • Blessings are permanent character enhancements obtained from the Monolith of Fate.
  • Each blessing offers unique passive benefits that can significantly impact your character’s power and playstyle.
  • There is no limit to the number of blessings you can obtain. As you progress through the Monolith of Fate and encounter various challenges, you can unlock and equip any blessings you receive.

Choosing and Equipping Blessings:

  1. Unlock Blessings: Complete challenges in the Monolith of Fate. Successfully completing a challenge grants a reward chest with a chance to contain a blessing.
  2. View Available Blessings: Open your inventory and navigate to the "Blessings" tab. This will display all the blessings you have unlocked so far.
  3. Activate Blessings: Click on the desired blessing in the "Blessings" tab to activate it. Activated blessings will be reflected in the "Active Blessings" section of your character sheet, displaying their associated benefits.

Important Notes:

  • You can activate and deactivate blessings at any time according to your strategy and desired effects.
  • You can’t "equip" multiple blessings in a single slot like traditional gear. Each blessing has its unique passive effect that applies to your character once activated.
  • Consider synergy and combinations between blessings to maximize their overall effectiveness for your specific build and playstyle.

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In Last Epoch, the number of available blessing "slots" depends on two factors:

1. Base Slots:

  • All characters inherently have 3 base blessing slots. These slots allow you to equip and benefit from the passive effects of three different blessings simultaneously.

2. Bonus Slots from Empowered Monoliths:

  • Completing specific Empowered Monoliths (accessed through challenging feats or boss kills) can unlock additional blessing slots exclusively for that specific Empowered Monolith.
  • The number of bonus slots varies depending on the Empowered Monolith and the associated challenges you complete.

Here’s a summary table:

Source Blessing Slots
Base 3
Empowered Monoliths (Bonus) Up to 2 (varies)
Total (Maximum) 5

Important Notes:

  • The base 3 slots are always available regardless of any Empowered Monolith challenges.
  • Bonus slots from Empowered Monoliths only apply to the specific Empowered Monolith they are associated with. They are not available for the general Monolith of Fate challenges.
  • You can choose which blessings to equip in each available slot, allowing you to customize your character’s power and playstyle.

Additional Tips:

  • Consider the synergy between blessings when choosing which ones to equip. Certain blessings might complement each other and offer greater combined benefits.
  • Experiment with different blessing combinations to find the setup that best suits your character’s build and your personal preferences.

By understanding the blessing slot system and strategically selecting your blessings, you can effectively enhance your character’s capabilities in Last Epoch.

In Last Epoch, blessings are not directly tied to specific "slots" in the character interface. However, there are two key mechanics that control how many blessings you can have active and potentially influence your choice:

1. Blessing Choice at Monolith of Fate:

  • When you conquer a Timeline in the Monolith of Fate, you are presented with 3 blessing options to choose from.
  • You can select one of these blessings to permanently add its benefits to your character.
  • There are no limitations on the number of blessings you can acquire through this method. However, you can only have one active blessing from each Timeline at any given time.

2. Empowered Monoliths:

  • Completing specific challenges or defeating powerful bosses can unlock Empowered Monoliths.
  • These offer increased chances of obtaining specific blessings associated with that Empowered Monolith.
  • Some Empowered Monoliths have unique mechanics related to blessings:
    • 5 Blessing Options: Completing specific Empowered Monoliths unlocks an additional blessing option, allowing you to choose from 5 blessings instead of 3.
    • Duplicate Blessings: Certain Empowered Monoliths allow you to obtain the same blessing multiple times, potentially stacking its effects depending on the specific blessing.

Therefore, there are no set "slots" for blessings, but the following aspects influence the number of active blessings you can have:

  • Choice at Monolith: You can only have one active blessing from each Timeline conquered.
  • Empowered Monoliths: Specific mechanics like 5 blessing options or stacking duplicates can influence the overall number of active effects you can potentially have.

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