Why you should have Lost Ark Alts Character

The Benefits of Alt Characters in Lost Ark

Trying New Playstyles

Trying out different classes can help you get better at Lost Ark in general. By experiencing different playstyles, you can better learn about back-attack classes, the different DPS positions and rotations of classes, and better understand how support plays. Knowing how the support/team-buff operates for various classes is also crucial to generally improve performance.

More Gold & Resources

With the recent additions of Legion Commanders Valtan and Vykas, having a Item Level (ilvl) 1430 or 1445 character will get you a significant Gold boost— as a Normal Legion Raid clear grants 2,500, and Hard Mode clear grants 4,500. Up to 6 characters on your roster can earn Gold from weekly activities, called “raw Gold generation”.

Apart from Gold, alt characters can generate a variety of materials by doing daily Chaos Dungeons, Guardian Raids, and Silver through Una’s Tasks. Una’s Task rewards are character bound, but Silver isn’t! You can also sell many of the materials from Chaos Dungeon and Guardian Raids your alt characters generate, or transfer them to another character on your roster. For example, having a 1370 character can yield you materials from the 1370 Chaos Dungeon, Nightfox Yoho for Great Honor Leapstones and Tier 3 Guardian and Destruction stones. Characters stay in Tier 3 for a long time, so simply having another character in Tier 3 will help you gather various materials to bolster all of your roster’s characters. Unlike gold generation, you can have more than 6 characters that can generate materials, but I always want to advise don’t make too many characters or you will be overwhelmed with dailies!

Versatility, Exploration, and Una’s Tasks

Bifrost teleports are character specific, meaning more characters will give you more total Bifrost teleports for your roster. With more points, you can strategically set your Bifrosts to different locations you need to travel to, like special event islands, traveling merchants, or for different Una’s Tasks.

You can work on multiple Una’s Tasks with alts, as each character can do 3 Daily Una’s Tasks. If you find yourself wanting to do a specific Una’s Task to earn Leapstones for your main, you can utilize your alt characters to earn progress on other Una’s Tasks that grant important reputation rewards, like Giant Hearts, Omnium Stars, Skill Point Potions, and more.

Sometimes during an event where you earn various tokens to trade for rewards, tokens can be obtained by completing Chaos Dungeons, Guardian Raids or even Una’s Tasks. If you happen to have enough characters, you can generate enough tokens for doing dailies, if you don’t enjoy the event’s activities.

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