Dreamfitting, a feature allowing your Warrior of Light to try on items from the FFXIV Online Store, has been added.
By accessing the bed in any inn room and selecting "Dreamfitting," you may try on products from the Online Store individually or by set outfits.
You may also use the "Search for Item" subcommand while Dreamfitting.
* You may confirm effects of dyeing by accessing the "Enable Dye Preview" subcommand via the "Try On" feature.
Shop for garb and gear as never before with Dreamfitting, an exciting new feature that allows your Warrior of Light to try on items from the FFXIV Online Store! Fantasize, glamorize, and accessorize to reach new heights of fashion in the accoutrements of your dreams!
The “Dream Fitting” feature where you try on FFXIV Online Store items can be accessed from the bed in your inn room. Just make sure not to heck the bed.