Divergent Bodyswap

1. Divergent Bodyswap

Bodyswap Divergent Bodyswap is an Alternate Quality gem of Bodyswap Bodyswap.

NameAdditional Effects From QualityWeight
Divergent Bodyswap(0–10)% increased Area of Effect100

Violently destroys your body and recreates it at the location of a targeted enemy or corpse, dealing spell damage in an area at both locations. If there is no specific target, it will prioritise corpses over enemies. If targeting a corpse, the corpse will also explode, dealing damage around it that is not affected by modifiers to spell damage, and cannot be reflected. This spell cannot be repeated.

Movement, Spell, AoE, Fire, Travel. Level: 1–20. Cost: 8–23 Mana. Cast Time: 0.70 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. AoE Radius: 10. Requires Level 10.

  • This Spell deals (3–210) to (5–315), plus 4% of your maximum Life, as base Fire Damage
  • Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (6–7.9)% of the corpse"s Maximum Life
  • +(0–2) to radius
  • 200% more Area of Effect if Consuming a corpse

Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

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2. Related Gems

Prime Regrading Lens Prime Regrading Lens currency changes the type of quality of a Divergent Bodyswap skill gem to another random quality.

3. Level Effect

LevelRequires LevelDexterityIntelligenceCostThis Spell deals 3 to 5, plus 4% of your maximum Life, as base Fire DamageExplosion deals base Fire Damage equal to 6% of the corpse's Maximum Life# to radiusExperience
110121883, 5, 4609,569
213152295, 7, 46.1028,189
3171927106, 10, 46.2059,146
4212333119, 13, 46.30111,192
52526381212, 18, 46.41193,800
62930431316, 24, 46.51320,280
73334491421, 32, 46.61359,090
83636531526, 39, 46.71498,508
93939561632, 47, 46.81682,057
104242601638, 58, 46.91921,777
114545641747, 70, 4711,727,879
124848681856, 84, 47.111,791,769
135150721968, 102, 47.222,353,679
145453761981, 122, 47.323,070,912
155756802098, 147, 47.429,095,466
1660598421117, 175, 47.5216,039,890
1763618821140, 210, 47.6229,817,117
1866649222167, 250, 47.7262,895,056
1968669522187, 281, 47.82212,051,599
2070689823210, 315, 47.92
217224236, 354, 483
227424265, 397, 48.13
237625297, 445, 48.23
247825332, 498, 48.33
258026372, 558, 48.43
268226416, 625, 48.53
278427466, 699, 48.63
288627521, 781, 48.73
298828582, 873, 48.84
309028650, 975, 48.94
319128687, 1031, 48.94
329229726, 1089, 494
339329767, 1151, 494
349429810, 1216, 49.14
359529856, 1284, 49.14
369630904, 1356, 49.24
379730955, 1433, 49.24
3898301009, 1513, 49.34
3999301065, 1598, 49.34
40100311125, 1687, 49.44

4. How to get Divergent Bodyswap?

It can be dropped in the following Heist Blueprints:

Name Heist Target Area Level
 Blueprint: Tunnels Blueprint: Tunnels Unusual Gems 34 – 83
 Blueprint: Repository Blueprint: Repository Unusual Gems 35 – 83

Unusual Gems are Alternate Quality Gems. A gem can have up to three alternate quality: Anomalous, Divergent, Phantasmal.

The target item, inside a Curio Display, will be a selection of Unusual Gems. You can only take one before Lockdown begins.

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