D2R Ladder Season 2 Best Classes

Best Classes for D2R Ladder Season 2

Note that all the following data are come from Ladder Season one. The following chart breaks down each class by total number of characters at or above level 20 on the Expansion: Normal ladder, looking at the raw numbers, total percentage, and overall rank:

Rank Class Build Characters >=Level 20 %Total
3 Amazon Lightning Fury/Charged Strike 144,286 10.9%
7 Assassin Lightning / Death Sentry Trapsin 68,593 5.2%
4 Barbarian Berserker 115,084 8.7%
6 Druid Wind Druid 88,657 6.7%
5 Necromancer Bonemancer 106,276 8.0%
2 Paladin Blessed Hammer Paladin / Hammerdin 337,449 25.6%
1 Sorceress Lightning Sorceress 456,345 34.6%

Compared to the start of the Ladder Season 1, the gap between Sorceress and Paladin has certainly diminished. More interestingly, the Necromancer, which was the third most played class at the start of the ladder, has lost its spot and it is now overtaken by Amazons and Barbarians.

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While there are still 2 months remaining for the end of Ladder Season 1, one thing is obvious: The Meta has not changed. It can be argued that the Amazon buffs changed the meta in some way, but another argument can be made against the effectiveness of such a change. Hammerdins and Sorceresses are still the dominating classes in the meta. The Lightning Fury / Charged Strike Amazon is in the meta due to its monstrous boss damage and efficiency at farming.

Our own research suggests that there are different viewpoints with regards to making changes in general. It should be highlighted that the following list of viewpoints does not encompass all of the viewpoints regarding the subject matter. While we try to remain objective and indifferent to each viewpoint, we have selected some of the general viewpoints for your consideration:

  • Traditional/Purist: The game should stay as close to the original LoD and no dramatic change should be made.

  • Modern/Progressive: Changes should be made to Diablo 2 Resurrected by staying loyal to its original soul / roots. Some examples are introducing loot filters, buffing underpowered specs/classes without nerfing others, reworking the XP system by buffing Worldstone Keep monster levels, and making level 99 grind more accessible, introducing new higher level monster zones or a new difficulty.

  • Nerf Oriented: Certain items and classes should be nerfed. Examples include nerfing the Enigma runeword, nerfing Sorceress teleport ability by introducing a cooldown, and nerfing Hammerdin damage.

  • Buff Oriented: Overbuffing certain classes and runewords can easily change the meta and helps introduce fresh team compositions every season.

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