Blighted Burial Chambers Map

Travel to Blighted Burial Chambers Map by using it in a personal Map Device. It can only be used once.

Map Tier: 16. Atlas Region: Lex Ejoris Lex Ejoris.

  • Area is infested with Fungal Growths
  • Map’s Item Quantity Modifiers also affect Blight Chest count at 20% value
  • Natural inhabitants of this area have been removed
Blighted Burial Chambers Map PoE

Blighted Maps Changes

The item yield from Chests in Blighted Maps is now affected by a portion of the map’s item quantity, giving you a reason to roll your Blighted Maps if you can handle the additional challenge.

Anointments to Blighted Maps have been rebalanced and reworked so that each has its own purpose and with a consistent increase in reward as the oils get rarer.

This is basically entirely buffs, because the one big nerf we needed to do was already done last league. You can now corrupt Blighted Maps.

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