Aquilok’s Tail Mokoko Seeds – Lost Ark

Aquilok’s Tail (Continent: Rethramis)

Aquilok's Tail Mokoko Seeds

  • The first and second Mokoko Seed can be found moving through a secret part of the map, leading to out-of-bounds. The path is marked on the map above. In game, it can be found by searching for a giant pile of bones.
  • Mokoko Seeds #3 and #4 can be accessed by killing all of the enemies just across from the first jump. Once the dungeon quest objective has been fulfilled, the path will open up.
  • Mokoko Seed #5 can be found next to a cluster of green gems.
  • The sixth and final Mokoko Seed in this map can be found in the boss arena at the end of the dungeon, off to the left, in front of a giant tree root.

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