Undecember Zodiac Stats

Undecember Zodiac Stats


Invest in your character’s Stats and select Traits to create your own unique builds.
Even if the same Skill Runes are used, the characteristics and advantages of each build differs based on which Zodiac Traits are selected.
The Zodiac can be open with the Hotkey ‘Z’.
Stat Points : Gain 5 points with each level up. Points that can be Invested into the main stats of Strength/Dexterity/Intelligence.
• Strength: Increases HP and Armor%..
• Dexterity: Increases Hit Rate and Dodge Rate%.
• Intelligence: Increases Mana and Barrier%.


Trait Points: Points used to activate Zodiac Nodes. 1 point is gained with each level up after Lv. 10. Additional Trait Points can be obtained upon clearing each scenario.

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