Throne and Liberty Shaman’s Resistance Necklace

The Throne and Liberty Shaman’s Resistance Necklace, despite its Rare rarity, presents an interesting mix of defensive stats that could benefit specific classes and playstyles. Here’s a breakdown:


  • Rare Rarity: Offers decent power and value for mid-game content.
  • Magic Defense 120: Provides moderate protection against magical attacks.
  • Max Mana 150: Increases your mana pool, allowing you to cast more skills, particularly beneficial for mana-reliant classes.
  • Stun Resistance 25: Reduces the chance of being stunned by enemy abilities, valuable for classes vulnerable to crowd control.
  • Collision Resistance 25: Decreases the chance of being interrupted by enemy movement abilities, particularly useful for melee-focused classes.


The necklace stands out for its unique combination of mana pool increase and resistance against specific disruptive effects. It caters to classes that:

  • Reliance on skills: The Max Mana boost benefits Sorcerers, Mystics, and other classes that heavily utilize skills and spells.
  • Vulnerability to Crowd Control: The Stun and Collision Resistance are helpful for Warriors, Slayers, and other classes susceptible to these control effects.


  • Content and Matchups: The value of the resistances depends on the content you’re facing and the enemy types you encounter. If Stuns and Collisions aren’t prevalent, other necklaces might offer better overall benefits.
  • Alternative Stats: Consider if other Rare necklaces with different stat combinations (e.g., Attack Power, Critical Hit) might better synergize with your overall build and playstyle.


The Shaman’s Resistance Necklace is a niche, yet valuable, option for specific classes and situations. Its Mana and resistance combination can provide offensive sustain and defensive utility, particularly for skill-heavy casters and melee-focused fighters. Carefully weigh its strengths and weaknesses against other options to determine if it fits your character’s needs in the context of Throne and Liberty’s combat and environment.

I hope this analysis helps you make an informed decision about utilizing the Shaman’s Resistance Necklace! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

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