Throne and Liberty Main Weapon Range

Main Weapon Range: The range of you Main Weapon attack.

Multiple Weapons with Varying Ranges: Throne and Liberty features various weapon types, each with distinct attack ranges. For example, Bows and Crossbows offer long-range combat, while Daggers and Greatswords provide close-quarters engagement. Simply stating "Main Weapon" doesn’t specify which weapon you’re referring to.

Character Class and Skills: Some character classes in Throne and Liberty might possess skills that modify their main weapon’s range temporarily. For instance, a mage might cast a spell that extends their staff’s attack range for a brief period.

Targeting Mechanics: Throne and Liberty’s targeting system might play a role in determining the "effective" range of your main weapon attack. Knowing how targeting works and aiming mechanics are implemented would be crucial to understanding the practical range in different situations.

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