Temporal Bubble PoE

Temporal Bubble Rare Monster Modifiers

  • 25% reduced Action Speed
  • 60% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate
  • Debuffs on you expire 40% slower
  • cannot be damaged by things outside radius [32]
  • dropped items are fully linked [1]

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PoE Temporal Bubble Recipe

Here is the full list of PoE Arch Nemesis Recipes.

Icon Name Archnemesis Recipes Description Stats
ModRecipeTimeBubble Temporal Bubble Juggernaut Hexer Arcane Buffer

Juggernaut + Hexer + Arcane Buffer

Monster is protected by a Temporal Bubble that severely slows those in it and cannot be damaged by those outside of it
Heist Expedition

Rewards: Heist + Expedition

  • 45% reduced Action Speed (Hidden)
  • Debuffs on you expire 60% slower (Hidden)
  • 80% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate (Hidden)

PoE Temporal Bubble Recipe

Temporal Bubble

Temporal Bubble Temporal Bubble is a Archnemesis monster modifier. Apply this to a petrified monster at an Archnemesis statue.

  • Monster is protected by a Temporal Bubble that severely slows those in it and cannot be damaged by those outside of it
  • Rewards: Heist + Expedition

Archnemesis mods cannot be traded with other players.

Temporal Bubble Buff

You have severely lowered action speed and your cooldowns take longer to recover. Negative effects on you take longer to expire.

  • action speed -%
  • base cooldown speed +%
  • debuff time passed +%

Temporal Bubble Buff

Monster Modifiers:

  • action speed -45%
  • base cooldown speed -80%
  • cannot be damaged by things outside radius [32]
  • debuff time passed -60%

Temporal Bubble PoE

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