Skull and Bones La Peste Schematics I

  • La Peste Schematics I

    • Increases damage to weakpoints to enemy ships by 10%. Reveals weakpoints on the Fleet of Pestilence

In Skull and Bones, La Peste Schematics I is an upgrade blueprint found in Season 1: Raging Tides. It offers two key benefits for players:

  1. Increased Weak Point Damage: This upgrade boosts your damage dealt to weak points on enemy ships by 10%. Weak points are vulnerable areas on ships that take significantly more damage when hit. This bonus can significantly improve your ship’s overall combat effectiveness and help you take down enemies faster.
  2. Revealed Weak Points on Fleet of Pestilence: This upgrade specifically helps you against the Fleet of Pestilence, a major enemy faction introduced in Season 1. It reveals the weak points on these enemy ships, making them easier to identify and target during combat. This can be crucial for maximizing your damage output and defeating these enemies efficiently.


La Peste Schematics I is a valuable upgrade for players who want to:

  • Enhance their overall combat efficiency by dealing more damage to weak points.
  • Gain an advantage against the Fleet of Pestilence by identifying and exploiting their weak points effectively.

However, it’s important to consider:

  • This upgrade is specific to Season 1 content and might not be as relevant in other parts of the game.
  • You might have to complete specific challenges or acquire it through the Smuggler Pass to obtain it.

Therefore, weigh its benefits against your current needs and playstyle before investing in acquiring this upgrade.

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