Skull and Bones Black Premium Currency

In Skull and Bones, the premium currency is called Gold. It’s used to purchase various in-game items, primarily focused on cosmetics.

Here’s how it works:

  • Purchasing Gold: Gold can be bought with real-world money through the in-game store or the Ubisoft Store.

  • What you can buy with Gold:

    • Cosmetic Items: Customize your captain and ship with unique outfits, figureheads, sails, and more.
    • Premium Smuggler Pass: Get instant access to exclusive rewards and faster progression through the seasonal content track.
  • Important Note: Gold cannot buy items that give you a direct gameplay advantage (like more powerful weapons), so its primary purpose is to enhance your visual appearance in the world of Skull and Bones.

How to obtain Gold:

  • Purchase it directly: The most straightforward method.
  • Included in Special Editions: The Premium Edition of Skull and Bones comes with a bundle of Gold.

Let me know if you’d like more information on the Premium Smuggler Pass or any specific items you can purchase with Gold!

Buy Skull and Bones Items

In Skull and Bones, the premium currency is called Gold. Here’s what you need to know:

How to obtain Gold:

  • Purchase through stores: You can buy Gold with real money through the in-game store or the Ubisoft Store.
  • Premium Smuggler Pass: Some tiers of the Premium Smuggler Pass, which is purchased with real money, offer Gold as a reward.

What is Gold used for:

  • Cosmetics: Customize your ship and captain with unique cosmetic items.
  • Premium Smuggler Pass: Purchase the Premium Smuggler Pass and gain access to exclusive rewards and faster progression.

Important to note:

  • Gold is primarily for cosmetic items and faster progression. It doesn’t buy you in-game power directly.
  • Gold is bound to the platform (PC, Xbox, PlayStation) and account you purchased it on and cannot be shared.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

In Skull and Bones, the premium currency is called Gold. Here’s how it works:

What is Gold?

  • Gold is the real-money currency used in Skull and Bones’ in-game store.
  • You purchase it using real-world money through the in-game store or the Ubisoft Store.

What can you buy with Gold?

  • Cosmetic Items: Gold is primarily used to buy ship and captain customization options, ranging from figureheads to emotes.
  • Premium Smuggler Pass: You can purchase the premium version of the Smuggler Pass with Gold for faster progression, exclusive rewards, and additional content.
  • Other Potential Uses: It’s possible Ubisoft will expand the uses for Gold in the future to include things like convenience items or boosts.

How to get Gold

  • Purchasing bundles: You can buy various bundles of Gold through the in-game store or Ubisoft Store.
  • Note: The exchange rate between Gold and real-world money may vary depending on the bundle and platform.

Important Things to Consider

  • Gold offers no gameplay advantages. It only allows access to cosmetic items and certain time-saving features.
  • While Gold is a convenient way to access certain cosmetics and content, it is completely optional. The game still offers a wealth of rewards for free.

Let me know if you have other questions about Skull and Bones!

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